RPM Gauge

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Robert Pierce

RPM Gauge

Post by Robert Pierce »

I noticed last time out that my RPM gauge needle was sticking and slow to respond to changes in RPM's. Any suggested maintenance or fix?

CD25D #156

Ray Worthington

Re: RPM Gauge

Post by Ray Worthington »

Robert Pierce wrote: I noticed last time out that my RPM gauge needle was sticking and slow to respond to changes in RPM's. Any suggested maintenance or fix?

CD25D #156
Robert: The same thing happened to me on my 25D about two years ago. According to my mechanic, replacement was the only solution. Halcyon #30


Re: RPM Gauge

Post by Boyd »

You might check the alternator belt for slippage. Mine does that when the belt is too loose.

s/v Tern
Fort Lauderdale, Fla

Robert Pierce wrote: I noticed last time out that my RPM gauge needle was sticking and slow to respond to changes in RPM's. Any suggested maintenance or fix?

CD25D #156


Re: RPM Gauge

Post by Randy »

WAIT........... before you replace the tach......follow the sending wires back to the alternator.........I had the same "sticking" problem, but in actuality, it was just a bad connection at the alternator connections.........(blue/yellow and Orange wires are what I THINK are the tach sending wires). It cured my problem. Hope this helps.
Randy SERENATA #10 Norfolk

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