HELP! Our contract diver was electrically shocked by our th

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HELP! Our contract diver was electrically shocked by our th

Post by edd »

During a routine cleaning of the bottom of our CD28, the diver reported he was electrically SHOCKED when he tried to clean an underwater thru-hull.

I had a Marine Air air conditioner, bilge pump, refrigerator, and Charles battery charger on at the time. My shore power was a 50 amp splitter feeding two 30 amp circuits (one for AC). Where do I begin?????

Ken Coit

Begin By Disconnecting from Shore Power - Please

Post by Ken Coit »


Turn the breakers at the pier off and pull the plugs out. This may save lives, boat parts, and your insurance policy. I'd call the marina in the morning and have them do this if you can't. Don't worry about your battery chargers or your air condiditioning. The boat will survive much better without AC at this point and so will your neighbors.

Then, if you are a DIYer, I'd pick up a copy of either Boatowner's Illustrated Handbook of Wiring by Charlie Wing, Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual by Nigel Calder, or both. Once you have an understanding of how to go about isolating the problem, then you may have to reconnect to the mains to do some testing, but only temporarily.

Do you have a "reverse polarity" lamp? Is it on? Does it have a switch that needs to be thrown to test the lamp? Does it work when you throw the switch? If you have three pronged outlets, have you tried testing them for correct polarity? You can buy a tester at any hardware store for a few dollars.

If all this seems too mysterious, I'd call a good marine electrician before someone or something is harmed.

Good luck!

Ken Coit
edd wrote: During a routine cleaning of the bottom of our CD28, the diver reported he was electrically SHOCKED when he tried to clean an underwater thru-hull.

I had a Marine Air air conditioner, bilge pump, refrigerator, and Charles battery charger on at the time. My shore power was a 50 amp splitter feeding two 30 amp circuits (one for AC). Where do I begin?????


Re: HELP! Our contract diver was electrically shocked by ou

Post by Billm »

edd wrote: During a routine cleaning of the bottom of our CD28, the diver reported he was electrically SHOCKED when he tried to clean an underwater thru-hull.

I had a Marine Air air conditioner, bilge pump, refrigerator, and Charles battery charger on at the time. My shore power was a 50 amp splitter feeding two 30 amp circuits (one for AC). Where do I begin?????
Edd,I suggest not to fiddle and diddle. Hire a good marine electrician...quickly. You'll sleep much better.
edd wrote: Edd

Re: HELP! Our contract diver was electrically shocked by ou

Post by Keith »

For safety first, always disconnect from shore power before going in the water off your boat, or any one elses for that matter.

edd wrote: During a routine cleaning of the bottom of our CD28, the diver reported he was electrically SHOCKED when he tried to clean an underwater thru-hull.

I had a Marine Air air conditioner, bilge pump, refrigerator, and Charles battery charger on at the time. My shore power was a 50 amp splitter feeding two 30 amp circuits (one for AC). Where do I begin?????

Randy Bates

Re: HELP! Our contract diver was electrically shocked by ou

Post by Randy Bates »

Go to any home improvement store and buy an AC oulet tester. They're cheap and will tell you if there is a wiring problem at the dock outlet or your boat. They just plug into the outlets and have three lights for hot, neutral, and ground.
edd wrote: During a routine cleaning of the bottom of our CD28, the diver reported he was electrically SHOCKED when he tried to clean an underwater thru-hull.

I had a Marine Air air conditioner, bilge pump, refrigerator, and Charles battery charger on at the time. My shore power was a 50 amp splitter feeding two 30 amp circuits (one for AC). Where do I begin?????

will parker

Re: HELP! Our contract diver was electrically shocked by ou

Post by will parker »

Where do I begin?????

See a lawyer immediately, of course!!!!
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