Cetec Benmar Amputation

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Brett Miller

Cetec Benmar Amputation

Post by Brett Miller »

Dear All:

I'm on the threshold of removing an old/non-functioning Cetec Benmar autohelm unit from our CD36. Before I go snipping wires, I wanted to see if anyone who had previously performed this operation had any cautions/tips. Unfortunately, I don't have the manual for the Cetec Benmar unit (or the wiring diagram) and I hate heading into this blind.

Also, we had our first sail on the "new to us" boat on Saturday afternoon. Words cannot describe it. Thanks to all those who have helped with the many questions/answers that got us to that point.



Sublimation, CD 36 (No. 74)
Deale, MD

Joe Mac Phee

Re: Cetec Benmar Amputation

Post by Joe Mac Phee »


I have a (functioning) Cetec Benmar autopilot on my CD-30. On mine, there are 3 units , the power unit to control the rudder, a compass unit, and the heading control unit (some versions combine the compass and heading control). There are 2 wires to the power unit to supply electrical power (be sure electrical power is turned off to the autopilot before cutting these). All of the other wires on mine go between the units and have no power once you have cut the power wires. The connectors for the inter-unit cables are inside the power unit and may not be easy to access. There are 2 other items to deal with. There is a clutch actuator (looks like a choke cable and goes to the power unit) that activates the autopilot. Also, there is a device to mechanically couple the compass and heading control (looks like a speedometer cable).

There is a small shop in New Bedford MA that specializes in autopilots and especially Cetec Benmar. Rather than throw away your defunct unit, you might consider donating it to them for parts to keep the other survivors going. Contact me off list if interested and I will give you his name and location.

Do not cut anything that would jeopardize your brilliant future!

Joe Mac Phee
S/V Iolanthe
Bristol, RI

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