
Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Mary Ann Mc Cruden


Post by Mary Ann Mc Cruden »

Any ideas where I can purchase a Tiller for my Cape dory Typoon. My is getting alittle shabby looking.

Serge Zimberoff

Re: Tiller

Post by Serge Zimberoff »

Mary Ann,
If memory serves me, (and it doesn't always!), a review of older posts should have a couple of sources for these.
Ty #1700 'Cloning Around'

Sean Morgan

You can have one made easily...

Post by Sean Morgan »

Mary Ann Mc Cruden wrote: Any ideas where I can purchase a Tiller for my Cape dory Typoon. My is getting alittle shabby looking.
look in West Marine's catalog, sailboat section. Give them the required dimensions and there you go.......
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