universal 18

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universal 18

Post by Ken »

Anyone know best way to check engine tempture if gauge is broken.

Ken Coit

Re: universal 18

Post by Ken Coit »


Is the gauge broken or is there another problem, like bad wiring or a bad temperature sender? If the sender is good, you can remove the lead and clip an ohm meter across it to get some indication of what the temperature is doing; there will be more resistance when the engine is cold and maybe a 200 ohm drop when it is at operating temp. With a lot of work and some other temperature indicating device, you could calibrate it your kludge.

Probably the best bet is to get the temperature gauge working so you have it on hand when it is most needed.

This shouldn't be a very complicated problem; there is probably one wire from the sender to the gauge and another wire from the gauge to DC ground.

Good luck,

Ken Coit
Ken wrote: Anyone know best way to check engine tempture if gauge is broken.

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