Sails for Typhoon

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Sails for Typhoon

Post by William »

Does anyone have used (or new) CD Typhoon Sails for sale ... or know of a source for getting them? Please describe using this rating system ..

10 = new
9 = like new, excellent condition
8 = lightly used
7 = very good
6 = good, non serious race, good cruiser
5 = average, half life remaining
4 = fair, good delivery sail
3 = old, barely usable
2 = worn out
1 = dumpster
Dan Moore

Re: Sails for Typhoon

Post by Dan Moore »

I have an old main (5) and a working jib (3) which needs some additional repair.
Just received two new sails from Quantum/Thurston - NOT for sale!
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