varnish stain removal

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charlie Palumbo

varnish stain removal

Post by charlie Palumbo »

I have a few varnish stains on deck.....was just wondering if anyone has a better system than acetone, laquer thinner and a scraper.
tahsnks, Charlie cd 36 N.Y.
Ed Haley

Re: varnish stain removal

Post by Ed Haley »

I'm not sure what shape your deck is in but 3M makes a rotating disk made out of the red Scotch pads and sells it as a varnish remover. The disks come with one or with two pads attached to a shaft that can be used in a drill. The two pad device is actually better to use as the pad won't "lay over" as you use it.

I used it to clean the area where the toerail joins the deck. The previous owner had used a scraper and left scrape marks that were ugly. The pad smoothed out the scrapes and cleaned up the varnish pretty neatly. Then I wet sanded with 1000 grit sandpaper. It looked great without sanding but I did so to prevent the gelcoat from retaining fine dirt particles. Then I waxed the gelcoat being careful not to add wax to the non-skid areas.

It's also nice for touching up stanchion bases. It can be used on bronze to remove old varnish. The patina will come back if you like the looks (I do).

Ed Haley
s/v Mokita
CD330 #1
Locked up on the Erie
Michael Solowy

Re: varnish stain removal

Post by Michael Solowy »

Acetone and laquer thinner never worked for me.
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