Red Witch III Sails Again!

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Gary L.

Red Witch III Sails Again!

Post by Gary L. »

Just returned from a great day of sailing. It was the Red Witch's first true sailing in a few years, and she sailed magnificantly. I have read the messages here about CD30Cs and the trouble of tacking with the Yankee. I found it no problem at all. My only problem came when I was attempting to douse the Yankee. It was such a long time since it was flown, that it just didn't want to come down. I had to use all my weight to tackle it to the deck. What fun. In fact, this was my wife's first true day sailing too. Fact is she spent more time at the helm than me. I went below for a respite, and returned to find her doing a wing on wing. Staysail and Yankee both trimmed. No lessons. Truly marvelous sailing vessels.

Oh, by the way, what I thought was the decompression lever was actually the stop lever on my Universal. Thank everyone for your help.
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