chain locker drain?

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Ben Thomas

chain locker drain?

Post by Ben Thomas »

Today I was poking around the chain locker on my 1982 cd30. I had the v-berth cushions and plywood bottoms off doing some wiring and checking the locker out for a potential windlass installation. I found that there is no obvious thru-hull for the chain locker to drain. from the looks of the configuration it just drains through to the bilge. I haven"t dumped any water in there yet to see where it goes. As I recall when boat was out of water I didn't see any thru hull. The sink in the head drains into the bilge as well. How have any of you folks addressed this situation?
D. Stump, Hanalei CD-30C

Re: chain locker drain?

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei CD-30C »

Captain Thomas,

I noticed essentially the same thing on Hanalei (1984)a few years ago. I could not see ANY drain from the chain locker/cable tier even to the bilge! It looked as if whatever mud, slime, gook, and water that was hauled in with the anchor and rode would just sit there and stink! So, to make sure the water would drain to the bilge, I drilled a bunch of 3/8 inch holes in the plywood sole of the chain locker. But, I to have wondered about a proper overboard drain. But, Where? Directly into the stem, to one side? The floor has no pitch, so would it work anyhow?

Be interested to see the answers ya get to this one.........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
John MacArthur

Re: chain locker drain?

Post by John MacArthur »

Ben Thomas wrote: from the looks of the configuration it just drains through to the bilge.
Yep, the water goes straight into the bilge. Somewhere medium on my list of priorities is to replace the little round bronze cap that sort of hangs around near the deck-hole that the rode goes into with a proper hinged cap for the chain and rode. The main problem has been finding a nice bronze one, instead of a chrome plated one. Any suggestions, Bristol? While I have never buried Stork's bow, I have taken a lot of water on deck, and a lot of it goes into the chain locker.

John MacArthur
CD-30C "Stork"
Taos, NM
John R.

Re: chain locker drain?

Post by John R. »

Cap Stump,

If I were to install a drain in an existing CD30 rode locker I would actually consider installing two drains if any at all. Most likely one would go in each aft corner of the locker and I would use a flush flange 1/2" thruhull that could be recessed slightly in the plywood and glass floor of that locker. I would use two mushroom thruhulls on the exterior hull with the shortest lengths of hose possible and the thruhulls as high above the waterline as possible. The reason for two drains is that it would help drain the locker when the boat is on a heel but the catch 22 is the potential snafu of how much sea water could be forced up those drains (or drain) in rough conditions.

Heeling would be good for draining the locker but in rough seas just the opposite could occur with water entering through the drain or drains. The locker floor in the CD30 is not that high above the waterline.

In the CD30 the forward bulkhead is just bare wood on the locker side of the bulkhead and it is simply glass taped to the anchor locker floor leaving much surface vulnerable to water damage. The same applies to the floor of the rode locker itself even though it has a thin coat of gel coat applied from the factory (hardly a water seal). First thing would be to epoxy seal all the exposed wood surfaces. Then proceed with any drain work. I think a drain is a retrofit that really has to be well thought out. You don't want any substantial backflow up the drain or drains.

Our '83 CD30 has a drain to the bilge via the hole at the forward end of the locker floor where the rebar is glassed to the stem to secure the bitter end of the rode. The hole allows drainage (sort of drainage)to flow down along the inside of the stem traveling beneath the liner and terminating in the bilge.

D. Stump, Hanalei CD-30C wrote: Captain Thomas,

I noticed essentially the same thing on Hanalei (1984)a few years ago. I could not see ANY drain from the chain locker/cable tier even to the bilge! It looked as if whatever mud, slime, gook, and water that was hauled in with the anchor and rode would just sit there and stink! So, to make sure the water would drain to the bilge, I drilled a bunch of 3/8 inch holes in the plywood sole of the chain locker. But, I to have wondered about a proper overboard drain. But, Where? Directly into the stem, to one side? The floor has no pitch, so would it work anyhow?

Be interested to see the answers ya get to this one.........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Ed Haley

Re: chain locker drain?

Post by Ed Haley »

Capt. Ben:
I'm not sure how much water you're dealing with but if it's a small amount, I certainly wouldn't add another hole in my hull to drain the anchor locker. Instead, it might be possible to install a drain hose from the floor of the locker leading aft to the bilge so that the water could empty into a plastic container. Just a thought.

Ed Haley
s/v Mokita
CD330 #1
Locked up on the Erie Canal.
Lou Ostendorff

'82 25D has chain locker drain...

Post by Lou Ostendorff »

Hi Guys...
My '82 25D, Karma, has a small hole in the front of the locker, draining thru to the stem...the locker floor slopes forward, so only one small hole is needed. It does get clogged up occasionally with mud and debris from the anchor, and has to be blown out with the washdown hose. On one visit, I noticed the bow sitting a little lower in the water, and discovered that the hole was clogged and the locker had completely filled with water after a storm, sooooo, it's one of those things I check with some frequency. I haven't been in real rough conditions with the boat yet, so I can't speak to taking on water through the drain hole, but I suppose it would be minimal since the hole is only about 1/4" or 3/8" in diameter. Don't know if any other 25Ds have this feature or was it embellishment from the P.O.
Anyway, a drain is a good thing to have, but I don't think it should be going to the bilge...could get nasty if there are long intervals between sailing trips...good luck!
Lou Ostendorff
CD25D Karma
Berthed in Havelock, NC
Bob Dugan

Re: '82 25D has chain locker drain...

Post by Bob Dugan »

Lou Ostendorff wrote: Don't know if any other 25Ds have this feature or was it embellishment from the P.O.
Lou Ostendorff
CD25D Karma
Berthed in Havelock, NC

"Cricket" has the same drain hole.

Bob Dugan
"Cricket" CD25D #092 1983
Wayland, MA
Randy Bates

Re: '82 25D has chain locker drain...

Post by Randy Bates »

Bob Dugan wrote:
Lou Ostendorff wrote: Don't know if any other 25Ds have this feature or was it embellishment from the P.O.
Lou Ostendorff
CD25D Karma
Berthed in Havelock, NC

"Cricket" has the same drain hole.

Bob Dugan
"Cricket" CD25D #092 1983
Wayland, MA

As does "Seraph" 1984 CD25D hull # 161
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