Locked Up
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Locked Up
Not a day goes by I don’t wish for the Sun
Who seems to have forsaken my chance to have fun.
Blocked from the East and blocked from the West
By a Jet Stream that metes out some cool days at best.
If you hear all the news: “We’re locked in a drought!”
But don’t you believe them. Look at it out!
Coldest May on record! Heavy rains to boot!
Makes me believe that they don’t know a hoot.
Don’t get me wrong. I love the outdoors.
Campfires, hot dogs and making s’mores.
I have been known to put up with the cold
But it’s hard on the boat when you share it with mold.
The port lights are leaking, the gaskets are stressed
By roots of white pine trees that grow on the decks.
I look at the bright side, when viewed from the car,
The branches and trunk make a smart-looking spar.
More rains ahead and the waters will rise.
Soon my CD will be sailing the skies.
Then I’ll head south to the Great CD Race.
I’ll sail IN the wind and put Stump in his place.
Mokita will sail past all boats in the fleet.
Then head for home in a fresh NE beat.
A course up the Sound; I’ll share a few pints.
And dip my 130, a salute to Mike Heintz.
There’s no better waters than the Lakes where I’m bound.
And no better friends than those on the Sound.
And no better boat on which to write this story
Than LOCKED UP and anxious aboard my Cape Dory!
Ed Haley
s/v Mokita
CD330 #1
On the Erie between Lock 20 and 21
Who seems to have forsaken my chance to have fun.
Blocked from the East and blocked from the West
By a Jet Stream that metes out some cool days at best.
If you hear all the news: “We’re locked in a drought!”
But don’t you believe them. Look at it out!
Coldest May on record! Heavy rains to boot!
Makes me believe that they don’t know a hoot.
Don’t get me wrong. I love the outdoors.
Campfires, hot dogs and making s’mores.
I have been known to put up with the cold
But it’s hard on the boat when you share it with mold.
The port lights are leaking, the gaskets are stressed
By roots of white pine trees that grow on the decks.
I look at the bright side, when viewed from the car,
The branches and trunk make a smart-looking spar.
More rains ahead and the waters will rise.
Soon my CD will be sailing the skies.
Then I’ll head south to the Great CD Race.
I’ll sail IN the wind and put Stump in his place.
Mokita will sail past all boats in the fleet.
Then head for home in a fresh NE beat.
A course up the Sound; I’ll share a few pints.
And dip my 130, a salute to Mike Heintz.
There’s no better waters than the Lakes where I’m bound.
And no better friends than those on the Sound.
And no better boat on which to write this story
Than LOCKED UP and anxious aboard my Cape Dory!
Ed Haley
s/v Mokita
CD330 #1
On the Erie between Lock 20 and 21
Re: Locked Up
Is this ballad sung to the tune of "Charlie on the MTA?"
Will Ed Haley "ever return? Looking at the bright side,
you could always qualify as a lockeeper.
Have a great weekend any way.
Gary Lapine
Red Witch III
CD30B, Hull#339
Somerset, MA
Will Ed Haley "ever return? Looking at the bright side,
you could always qualify as a lockeeper.
Have a great weekend any way.
Gary Lapine
Red Witch III
CD30B, Hull#339
Somerset, MA
LOL :-)) Okay, now what music shall we sing it to...(nm)
.: Not a day goes by I don’t wish for the Sun
Ed Haley wrote: Who seems to have forsaken my chance to have fun.
Blocked from the East and blocked from the West
By a Jet Stream that metes out some cool days at best.
If you hear all the news: “We’re locked in a drought!”
But don’t you believe them. Look at it out!
Coldest May on record! Heavy rains to boot!
Makes me believe that they don’t know a hoot.
Don’t get me wrong. I love the outdoors.
Campfires, hot dogs and making s’mores.
I have been known to put up with the cold
But it’s hard on the boat when you share it with mold.
The port lights are leaking, the gaskets are stressed
By roots of white pine trees that grow on the decks.
I look at the bright side, when viewed from the car,
The branches and trunk make a smart-looking spar.
More rains ahead and the waters will rise.
Soon my CD will be sailing the skies.
Then I’ll head south to the Great CD Race.
I’ll sail IN the wind and put Stump in his place.
Mokita will sail past all boats in the fleet.
Then head for home in a fresh NE beat.
A course up the Sound; I’ll share a few pints.
And dip my 130, a salute to Mike Heintz.
There’s no better waters than the Lakes where I’m bound.
And no better friends than those on the Sound.
And no better boat on which to write this story
Than LOCKED UP and anxious aboard my Cape Dory!
Ed Haley
s/v Mokita
CD330 #1
On the Erie between Lock 20 and 21
Re: Locked Up
Okay if I post this over on the trailer sailor board? I think they'd get a kick out of it.
Re: Locked Up
Poet Laureate of the Cape Dory Fleet Haley,Ed Haley wrote: Not a day goes by I don’t wish for the Sun
Who seems to have forsaken my chance to have fun.
Blocked from the East and blocked from the West
By a Jet Stream that metes out some cool days at best.
If you hear all the news: “We’re locked in a drought!”
But don’t you believe them. Look at it out!
Coldest May on record! Heavy rains to boot!
Makes me believe that they don’t know a hoot.
Don’t get me wrong. I love the outdoors.
Campfires, hot dogs and making s’mores.
I have been known to put up with the cold
But it’s hard on the boat when you share it with mold.
The port lights are leaking, the gaskets are stressed
By roots of white pine trees that grow on the decks.
I look at the bright side, when viewed from the car,
The branches and trunk make a smart-looking spar.
More rains ahead and the waters will rise.
Soon my CD will be sailing the skies.
Then I’ll head south to the Great CD Race.
I’ll sail IN the wind and put Stump in his place.
Mokita will sail past all boats in the fleet.
Then head for home in a fresh NE beat.
A course up the Sound; I’ll share a few pints.
And dip my 130, a salute to Mike Heintz.
There’s no better waters than the Lakes where I’m bound.
And no better friends than those on the Sound.
And no better boat on which to write this story
Than LOCKED UP and anxious aboard my Cape Dory!
Ed Haley
s/v Mokita
CD330 #1
On the Erie between Lock 20 and 21
In keeping with the general literary tone of this thread I must borrow an observation. "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." (W. Shakespeare, Twelfth Night). I know not which superlative applies to you. Perhaps all of them. A mere hour or so after I proposed that the trials and tribulations of passage through the Erie Canal are worthy of a ballad reminiscent of those written in the 1830s, you've produced a lengthy ode that does a Cape Dory Captain proud. If you were sailing by, I'd dip Sine Qua Non's ensign in salute. 'Tis a pity that you are "lock locked" between #20 and #21 with a holiday weekend upon us. Perhaps my kindred spirit Mr. Shakespeare also found himself land locked when he wrote, " I desire no more delight, than to be under sail, and gone tonight." (Merchant of Venice). May the high waters drain swiftly so the locks can reopen and you can be on your way!
Warren Kaplan (lover of Cape Dories and anything written by Shakespeare)
Sine Qua Non
Oyster Bay Harbor, NY
Re: Your prose are.....
Esteemed Captain Haley,
Your prose and nack for rymne are grand, but Sir, we must talk about this ".....put Stump in his place." Why Sir, I am in my place and that would be.....Number ONE ! ! !.......your most humble servant, .........Thanks for the smile.......
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
CDSOA Number ONE ! ! !
You really ARE "up a creak......" so to speak..........!
Your prose and nack for rymne are grand, but Sir, we must talk about this ".....put Stump in his place." Why Sir, I am in my place and that would be.....Number ONE ! ! !.......your most humble servant, .........Thanks for the smile.......
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
CDSOA Number ONE ! ! !
You really ARE "up a creak......" so to speak..........!