Traveller and CD33

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Richard Stanley

Traveller and CD33

Post by Richard Stanley »

Richard again.

The traveller on my '81 CD33 is stock and very manual. I am looking to replace it with fancy shmancy Harken windward sheeting car, but am extremely concerned about changing the track out. It looks incredibly inaccessible.

Any words of wisdom prior (other than have someone else do it)?


Re: Traveller and CD33

Post by mike »


LaVida is hull #40........I too looked into doing the same thing and the access of the bolts is VERY difficult. Almost seems like one would have to cut and reglass, something I don't want to do.

I'm looking into upgrading, but keeping the same track. No real answer, but at least you know someone else has looked at the problem.

sea u,
Richard Stanley

Re: Traveller and CD33

Post by Richard Stanley »

That sucks.
mike wrote: Richard,

LaVida is hull #40........I too looked into doing the same thing and the access of the bolts is VERY difficult. Almost seems like one would have to cut and reglass, something I don't want to do.

I'm looking into upgrading, but keeping the same track. No real answer, but at least you know someone else has looked at the problem.

sea u,
Leo MacDonald CD33

Traveler Bolting

Post by Leo MacDonald CD33 »

Hi Richard,

I was also looked into doing this. So, while working on the engine instrument panel, I took a look at the traveler bolting. Not sure, but it looked like there may be a metal plate glassed into the support area under the track. The track bolts come through the bottom of this area without a visible backing plate, washer or nut. I do not believe the glass itself could handle this type of stress and the area under the track appeared to be thickened (with metal bar stock - maybe??)

Take a hard look at the underside. AND please keep us posted ;-)

Fair Winds,
Leo MacDonald
'Evening Light' CD33 #38
Groton, CT
Richard Stanley

Re: Traveler Bolting

Post by Richard Stanley »

Leo MacDonald CD33 wrote: Hi Richard,

I was also looked into doing this. So, while working on the engine instrument panel, I took a look at the traveler bolting. Not sure, but it looked like there may be a metal plate glassed into the support area under the track. The track bolts come through the bottom of this area without a visible backing plate, washer or nut. I do not believe the glass itself could handle this type of stress and the area under the track appeared to be thickened (with metal bar stock - maybe??)

Take a hard look at the underside. AND please keep us posted ;-)

Fair Winds,
Leo MacDonald
'Evening Light' CD33 #38
Groton, CT
It has been a busy week, and I haven't had a chance to get down to the boat, but I certainly will. I think the control achieved will be worth a significant amount of pain. It continues to look like it will be a big ol' pain.

I'll post those in this thread directly with my findings. Feel free to add.

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