Backstays revisited

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Richard Stanley

Backstays revisited

Post by Richard Stanley »

Hello, Fellow Owners.

I was checking out info on backstays for my '82 CD33, and noticed this has been discussed in the past.

I guess more correctly, these should be called checkstays, as they are not taking the full (massive) stresses of the backstay. I have wire shrouds that came with the boat, and was planning on getting a Harken 3:1 ( or 4:1) setup with a cam on the lower block so I won't have to install a clutch or cam on the deck (and use the jib winch). Additionally, I was planning on using the moveable padeye on the back of the genoa track as a point of attachment.

Does anyone have experience with this setup? I'm in San Francisco, and summer is upon us. This will be my second season here. Last year I used staysail without additional stays, and found there was mast pumping. Also, the tension on the inner stay decreased tension on the forestay (profurl and not easily adjusted) screwing up the shape of the yankee when both sails were bent.

Looked oh so nautical though. Got to love the cutter look.

I look forward to spirited discussion.

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