Just bought a 25. Are there any outboads that the tiller handle goes under the traveler support without removing the handle?
CD25 Outboards that fit
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Nissan 6 works but...
Yes and no for my Nissan 6 on a 1981 cd 25, I need to remove the rubber end on the handle (only one screw) but it gives me the 1/2" I needed to work the throttle around the traveler.
Re: CD25 Outboards that fit
The 5hp Honda 4 stroke's tiller handle will go in up, horizontal, and down positions thus allowing one to slip it into the motor well and through the cockpit opening and under the traveler support without removing handle. Mine was a '99 model. I've heard the new models may be larger, so check to make sure.Chuck Gardner wrote: Just bought a 25. Are there any outboads that the tiller handle goes under the traveler support without removing the handle?
Re: Nissan 6 works but...
5hp and 6hp Nissan 4 strokes are on sail at BoatUS right now for pretty good prices (believe it was about $1250 for the 6).
Re: CD25 Outboards that fit
Chuck, Just a thought along these lines to consider is the ability to turn the motor while its running. I find on my '76 CD25 that with the tiller handle turned vertical I can steer the boat by turning the motor. To back into my slip I lightly tie my tiller off to dead ahead and steer with the motor. Also, in forward with the tiller hard over and the motor turned the same way I can do a 180 or 360 in a little over her boatlength. I am shopping for a new motor now and would not consider buying/using one without this ability to turn in the well. Greg Phillips, CD25 #469 Linda Lou, Apalachicola,FLChuck Gardner wrote: Just bought a 25. Are there any outboads that the tiller handle goes under the traveler support without removing the handle?