CD25 Check Your Lazarette Covers!

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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tom babington

CD25 Check Your Lazarette Covers!

Post by tom babington »

Like many CD25's our engine cover has the twin Nico vents.I lifted the engine cover up to clean all the bottom paint dust out of the outboard tank area and noticed lots & lots of water coming out of the Nico vent deck plates. Under further inspection I found that water has leaked into the balsa core on the engine cover. The deck plates weren't sealed with caulk. Now no more core. Check those Nico vent deck plates on your engine covers!

Any suggestions how to repair? Any fiberglass shops in S.E. Mass or RI? HELP.
Greg Lutzow

Re: CD25 Check Your Lazarette Covers!

Post by Greg Lutzow »

Considering their size, it may be just as easy to fabricate a new cover using the old as a template. Thanks for the headsup, I'll check mine this weekend.

Greg Lutzow
Cefalu III/TYW
CD25(being rebuilt)
Sarasota, FL
tom babington wrote: Like many CD25's our engine cover has the twin Nico vents.I lifted the engine cover up to clean all the bottom paint dust out of the outboard tank area and noticed lots & lots of water coming out of the Nico vent deck plates. Under further inspection I found that water has leaked into the balsa core on the engine cover. The deck plates weren't sealed with caulk. Now no more core. Check those Nico vent deck plates on your engine covers!

Any suggestions how to repair? Any fiberglass shops in S.E. Mass or RI? HELP.

Re: CD25 Check Your Lazarette Covers!

Post by Hobbster »

Tom: I would be glad to talk to you about repairing your cover or making you a new one. E-mail size to me and I will provide you with a price.

Will W.

Re: CD25 Check Your Lazarette Covers!

Post by Will W. »

I don't think my 25 has a core in the Lazzarette cover. Does this mean that some one replaced the original already or do some yaers have it one way and other years another.

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q

tom babington wrote: Like many CD25's our engine cover has the twin Nico vents.I lifted the engine cover up to clean all the bottom paint dust out of the outboard tank area and noticed lots & lots of water coming out of the Nico vent deck plates. Under further inspection I found that water has leaked into the balsa core on the engine cover. The deck plates weren't sealed with caulk. Now no more core. Check those Nico vent deck plates on your engine covers!

Any suggestions how to repair? Any fiberglass shops in S.E. Mass or RI? HELP.
Ed K

Re: CD25 Check Your Lazarette Covers!

Post by Ed K »

My 78 CD25, no. 607, has a solid engine cover. Just replaced the vents.
Ed K
Jeff Funston

Who's vents did you use and

Post by Jeff Funston »

Did the holes line up with the old vents or did you need to fill and drill?
Ed K

Re: Who's vents did you use and

Post by Ed K »

No, they were direct replacements, but probably not for the originals. Got them from West Marine, will send you the info later.
Ed K

Replacement Cowls

Post by Ed K »

The ones I used came from West Marine, their #120808 3" low profile Cowl Vents. May hve been exact same size as original, as I didn't see any signs of filling or re-drilling. Regards
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