
Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Gary L.


Post by Gary L. »

Red Witch III is finally at home. I feel like Gilligan, going out for a what should have been a three hour tour. However, time and tide wait for no man. We, or should I say, I learned alot in a short time about diesels. I went to E. Greenwich on Friday night to check the diesel and get it running before we left on Saturday. The batteries, which had been left on board all winter (before I bought her), needed more charging. My wife and I were dropped of in the storm on Saturday, and after muddling about we got the engine started. She ran for about a half hour and then stopped. During the ensuing struggle to locate the cause, the oil light went out and we discovered that the starter wouldn't turn over. Later that night after replacing starter and glow plug switches (another story)we discovered that the engine was actually out of fuel (the gauge still read more than a quarter tank. Saturday and Saturday night we were cold, but dry. The stove and lights kept us somewhat warm. Sunday, we put sic gallons in, which we lugged, borrowed an instant starter, and finally got out of the marina and out to sea. Tiem constraints kept us from actually sailing, so we motored the three hours to Somerset. Engine ran at 165 degrees and at 2000 rpms. It was strange using a wheel steering, and docking when we got to our marina. No problems.
Jeff Funston

Sounds like

Post by Jeff Funston »

Fun, that's what sailing is all about, fixing your boat in exotic places, or better yet in the dark, on a lee shore, where you can hear the waves crashing on the rocks :~)
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