Good Morning All
I am a long time CD sailboat owner who has temporarily taken on a boat equipped with only an iron jenny for propulsion.
I appeal for intellectual assistance from this group. and assure you my current boat is clearly in the traditional lines of a CD.
I need to cut a large hole in the reinforced area of my cockpit. I did the same in my CD, and cannot remember what sort of blade I used in my electric saw. Can anyone tell me what type of blade to use?
Carl Nord
MV "Fiddler"
Stonington, CT
WTD: Info on Cutting Access Hatch Hole
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: WTD: Info on Cutting Access Hatch Hole
A carbide-tipped fine-tooth blade, such as one suited for plexiglass or plastic laminate, should do the job without much chipping. It will also be helpful to apply masking tape to the deck and to the shoe of the saw, to avoid scratching and help avoid chipping.
Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
A carbide-tipped fine-tooth blade, such as one suited for plexiglass or plastic laminate, should do the job without much chipping. It will also be helpful to apply masking tape to the deck and to the shoe of the saw, to avoid scratching and help avoid chipping.
Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
Carl Nord wrote: I need to cut a large hole in the reinforced area of my cockpit. I did the same in my CD, and cannot remember what sort of blade I used in my electric saw. Can anyone tell me what type of blade to use?
Carl Nord
MV "Fiddler"
Stonington, CT