Insurance for my Typhoon

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Doug Lankow

Insurance for my Typhoon

Post by Doug Lankow »

I just bought hull#1037 and am having thoughts of insurance. Any suggestions for liability coverage, etc. Any carriers particularly recommended? Thanks.
Ed Armstrong/Ty #1651

Re: Insurance for my Typhoon

Post by Ed Armstrong/Ty #1651 »

Doug Lankow wrote: I just bought hull#1037 and am having thoughts of insurance. Any suggestions for liability coverage, etc. Any carriers particularly recommended? Thanks.
I got a pretty good quote from BoatUS ($138/yr). They were lower than my Farmer's agent quoted. You do have to join BoatUS (for another $14/yr or something like that), but even with that added, they were quite competitive.
Gary L.

Re: Insurance for my Typhoon

Post by Gary L. »

Ed Armstrong/Ty #1651 wrote:
Doug Lankow wrote: I just bought hull#1037 and am having thoughts of insurance. Any suggestions for liability coverage, etc. Any carriers particularly recommended? Thanks.
I got a pretty good quote from BoatUS ($138/yr). They were lower than my Farmer's agent quoted. You do have to join BoatUS (for another $14/yr or something like that), but even with that added, they were quite competitive.
I agree. BOATUS was quick with both the quote and processing and were less expensive than other carriers I investigated.

Why Not Rely on Your Homeowner's Insurance?

Post by Joel »

My homeowners covers boats below a certain size, 21 feet I believe, to the liability limits on my home, which are pretty high. Is there a reason to get more coverage than that?

Joel Bondy
s/v Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY
Mike Raehl

Re: Insurance for my Typhoon

Post by Mike Raehl »

I added mine as a specific addendum to my homeowners policy which is an "umbrella" policy with extra high liability.

Mike Raehl
Ty #1958
Piermont, NY
Sean M

Re: Insurance for my Typhoon - Try West Marine!

Post by Sean M »

Doug Lankow wrote: I just bought hull#1037 and am having thoughts of insurance. Any suggestions for liability coverage, etc. Any carriers particularly recommended? Thanks.
Contact West Marine at you will get up to 5 quotes from the biggest and best marine insurance carriers in the nation. They are out to bump off boats -r- us and are VERY competitive.
Dan Moore

Re: Insurance for my Typhoon

Post by Dan Moore »

Also going the BoatUS route. They are efficient: you can do your own survey w/ pictures, and choose your coverage level.

Re: Why Not Rely on Your Homeowner's Insurance?

Post by skipper »

I think the coverage should be fine. We did the same thing with a small boat (17' Sovereign), which we once owned. I'm thankful we never had to make a claim to test the insurance out!! The major test would be an accident with injuries or worse (gives me the willys just thinking about it. . ). Property damage can always be worked out.
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