modifying CD25 motor well for 8HP Honda 4 stroke

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Jim Milne

modifying CD25 motor well for 8HP Honda 4 stroke

Post by Jim Milne »

The opening in the well is 8"x12", just slightly smaller than the antiventilation plate that has to go through it. I imagine I can cut into the lip around the well to enlarge it. Suggestions for doing this?
Jim Stull

Re: modifying CD25 motor well for 8HP Honda 4 stroke

Post by Jim Stull »

Hi Jim
I am able to drop the 8hp Honda into my CD25 by tipping it slightly to get it thru. I did not have to trim anything.
Peter Bigelow

Re: modifying CD25 motor well for 8HP Honda 4 stroke

Post by Peter Bigelow »

Not sure I can help with the issue, but so everyone knows Honda redesigned their 8 hp for 2001 from a smaller head to a larger one (like their 9 hp) so an older 8 will fit the new one may not without cutting away. If you can, the older 8 hp is a lighter too and may be a better choise.
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