Cleaning Cetol from Deck?

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Jim Newton

Cleaning Cetol from Deck?

Post by Jim Newton »

I'm looking for suggestions on how to clean dried Cetol from the deck, the privious owner was a bit sloppy. In addition to spots across the deck there is considerable running along the deck house "eye brow". Scraping does not seem to work, either nothing comes up or I'm digging into the gel-coat.
Jim Newton
Dave D

Re: Cleaning Cetol from Deck?

Post by Dave D »

We have the same problem with our CD25. In spots it looked like someone applied the cetol with an air brush! The only thing that we found to get the stuff off was to use a really fine sand paper. Then after we just waxed her down. It looks much better but we still have some areas that need to be work on. According to the cetol container it states not to get any on the gell coat. If you do, wipe it up immediatly. I don't know why this wasn't done, but I find that if you take your time doing a job in the long run it will look much better and could save you alot of time.

Dave D
CD25 R&R
Gloucester, Ma

Jim Newton wrote: I'm looking for suggestions on how to clean dried Cetol from the deck, the privious owner was a bit sloppy. In addition to spots across the deck there is considerable running along the deck house "eye brow". Scraping does not seem to work, either nothing comes up or I'm digging into the gel-coat.
Jim Newton
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