Please Help! Impeller/thermostat size for MD2B

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Chris Holme

Please Help! Impeller/thermostat size for MD2B

Post by Chris Holme »

I need info on where to find part numbers for the thermostat and impeller for the Volvo MD2B in my CD28. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance

Chris Holme
s/v Feather, CD28, Annapolis
Larry DeMers

Re: Please Help! Impeller/thermostat size for MD2B

Post by Larry DeMers »

Call DiPetro International (also known now as 'Capitol'), and ask for 1-800-447-9482.

They are one of the largest Volvo dealers in the country, and have the parts on stock. Lester is a very helpful person, and has a lot of Volvo knowledge. I buy all my parts thru them, and recently, they have even taken back a water pump a year after I purchased it from them (it had a slightly incorrect coupling shaft for my engine).
Otherwise, I can look it up for you this weekend and report back Monday to you if needed.

I use a Globe Blue nitrile impellor, which used tobe carried by West Marine, but no longer are. I ordered directly from Globe. Again, I can get that number for you this weekend.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 Lake Superior

Chris Holme wrote: I need info on where to find part numbers for the thermostat and impeller for the Volvo MD2B in my CD28. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance

Chris Holme
s/v Feather, CD28, Annapolis
Larry DeMers

And the Impellor Number is.....

Post by Larry DeMers »

The Globe impellor number is 1112. West Marine DOES carry it this year, as it turns out.

Larry DeMers wrote: Call DiPetro International (also known now as 'Capitol'), and ask for 1-800-447-9482.

They are one of the largest Volvo dealers in the country, and have the parts on stock. Lester is a very helpful person, and has a lot of Volvo knowledge. I buy all my parts thru them, and recently, they have even taken back a water pump a year after I purchased it from them (it had a slightly incorrect coupling shaft for my engine).
Otherwise, I can look it up for you this weekend and report back Monday to you if needed.

I use a Globe Blue nitrile impellor, which used tobe carried by West Marine, but no longer are. I ordered directly from Globe. Again, I can get that number for you this weekend.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 Lake Superior

Chris Holme wrote: I need info on where to find part numbers for the thermostat and impeller for the Volvo MD2B in my CD28. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance

Chris Holme
s/v Feather, CD28, Annapolis
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