18'6" Cape Dory Typhoon Weedender Owners Manual?

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Michael Cattafe

18'6" Cape Dory Typhoon Weedender Owners Manual?

Post by Michael Cattafe »

Have purchased a 18'6" Cape Dory Typhoon Weedender and want to know if there is anywhere I can go to find an owners manual and what the cost would be. Any help would be appreciated.



Re: 18'6" Cape Dory Typhoon Weedender Owners Manual?

Post by DKMOORE »

Check this website under 'About Cape Dorys'. Also search the message board for specific topics. There's a whole lot of stuff out there!
Dan Moore
TY 583 - MEG
Catherine Monaghan

Re: 18'6" Cape Dory Typhoon Weedender Owners Manual?

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

You'll find the links to the manuals right on this web site. Go to the "<a href="http://www.toolworks.com/capedory/ccdolook.htm">Where to Look</a>" page. Then click on the "Useful Cape Dory Web sites including those with links to CD Owners Manuals" link.

CD32 Realization, #3
CCDOA Assistant Webmaster

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