What is the best procedure for filling small (1/8") holes in teak? Any special wood filler? What about a mix of fine teak sawdust and yellow water-resistant glue? I would like to fill these holes so that the repaired areas would be as inconspicuous as possible when the teak is finished. Thanks.
Filling small holes in teak?
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Filling small holes in teak?
I have a similar question regarding filling cracks in teak. Apprx 1", very thin along toe rail?
Re: Filling small holes in teak?
Jim, I just had the same problem, both with the teak laminate and solid teak. My solution works out well. After masking the hole (so it won"t slinter),Jim wrote: What is the best procedure for filling small (1/8") holes in teak? Any special wood filler? What about a mix of fine teak sawdust and yellow water-resistant glue? I would like to fill these holes so that the repaired areas would be as inconspicuous as possible when the teak is finished. Thanks.
I took a 1/4 drill bit and enlarged the hole about 3/16 inches deep. Remove the masking tape. Next, push the outer rim(where the bit took hold) and push it into the hole so no rough edges are felt. Then, take a 1/4 inch teak plug (woodworkers warehouse), align the grain and approximate the color, add a touch of glue(int/exter),and lightly push into the hole. Gently hammer the plug into the hole. Wait
a half hour (while you do others), go back and use a very sharp 1/4 chisel and nudge the excess off. Very carefully sand the plug and only the plug. I added some Old English polish to darken where necessary. I have plugged 54 holes this way and am satisfied the way they turned out. Patience is the key here, I suppose, like all woodworking projects. Good luck. I am sure more knowledgeble folks can enlighten you more than I can. Bill
Re: Filling small holes in teak?
Filling the cracks can be done with a thickened epoxy. Instead of using the all white thickeners I plan on sanding on a piece of old teak untill I have enough teak dusk to use as thickening agent. Then mix the dust with a small amout of epoxy untill it is thick enough to sit on your stir stick without sagging. This will require more dust/filler than you will beleive so don't start with too little.
Tape off the surrounding areas and keep an eye on it untill it gets real firm. If this is a vertical suface you may have to use wax paper taped across the repair tho hold the epoxy in place. Wait till it dries and sand.
Of course a properly matched wood putty may do the job with a lot less work. It would depend for me on wether you need this repair to be structural as well as asthetic. Good Luck,
Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
Tape off the surrounding areas and keep an eye on it untill it gets real firm. If this is a vertical suface you may have to use wax paper taped across the repair tho hold the epoxy in place. Wait till it dries and sand.
Of course a properly matched wood putty may do the job with a lot less work. It would depend for me on wether you need this repair to be structural as well as asthetic. Good Luck,
Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
Scott wrote: I have a similar question regarding filling cracks in teak. Apprx 1", very thin along toe rail?
Re: Filling small holes in teak?
I have used teak colored wood putty and I have made my own filler using teak saw dust and exterior wood glue (kind of a dark tan color..not the yellow glue). The sanding dust method is better because it accepts stain readily, in the same manner as the teak wood itself accepts stain. It is also sandable. The trick is to make a dry mix with little glue and lots of sawdust, as the glue of course will not absorb stain.
Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30
Lake Superior
Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30
Lake Superior
Jim wrote: What is the best procedure for filling small (1/8") holes in teak? Any special wood filler? What about a mix of fine teak sawdust and yellow water-resistant glue? I would like to fill these holes so that the repaired areas would be as inconspicuous as possible when the teak is finished. Thanks.
Re: Filling small holes in teak?
Jim,Jim wrote: What is the best procedure for filling small (1/8") holes in teak? Any special wood filler? What about a mix of fine teak sawdust and yellow water-resistant glue? I would like to fill these holes so that the repaired areas would be as inconspicuous as possible when the teak is finished. Thanks.
I have used west system epoxy....105/205/405filler....the 405 is wood toned.It is not a perfect match, but close enough that you will be satisfied. mix to a peanut butter consistency and spread slightly higher than gap to be filled....sand with 80 grit the next day.
if you can, sprinkle in a little 406 filler, this will make the mix dry stronger and you are probably good to go for many years.
good luck...Charlie