Don't know who John R's is but I sure learn somthing from each of his valuable posts.
Thanks John
John R's Posts
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Jim,Jim Stull wrote: Don't know who John R's is but I sure learn somthing from each of his valuable posts.
Thanks John
I've sent you a private email but I want to publicly THANK YOU for your thoughtfullness and very kind words. Your statement has made all my efforts over the many months and months and countless postings rewarding and have truly made my day. It is certainly gratifying to know that in some small way something in all my words has been of benefit to someone. That is the objective of all our posts and the archive of this board and I feel extremely fortunate to have been publicly acknowledged for having been of some help. I hope my future comments can rise to the occassion and again possibly be beneficial in one way or another. People like you Jim are the true goodness in this world. Best to you !!