replacing mainsheet traveler system on a cd25d

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Jack Aboulafia

replacing mainsheet traveler system on a cd25d

Post by Jack Aboulafia »

I have an '82 25D and I would like to replace the original mainsheet traveler system .It binds and is very hard to move under load.If anyone has replaced their's ,or has any suggestions please reply.
Warren Kaplan

Re: replacing mainsheet traveler system on a cd25d

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Jack Aboulafia wrote: I have an '82 25D and I would like to replace the original mainsheet traveler system .It binds and is very hard to move under load.If anyone has replaced their's ,or has any suggestions please reply.
I replaced that pin stop orginal traveler system last year on my CD27. Shouldn't be too much different on a 25D. I put in a Harken 3:1 system. I suggest you go to Harken's website and do a little homework. Or get a hold of a Harken Catalog. Its got everything in it. There's all kinds of ways to do it and you just have to decide what's the best for your type of sailing. Shaefer also makes good stuff. If you go with Harken, you'll have to buy one of their tracks. I didn't get the Midrange system (already made up) but I got different midrange parts that I wanted and made my own system. It makes a BIG difference. Its really worth taking the time to read about your options because you can go many ways with a traveler system. If you want, I can e-mail you a list of the parts I got for my system. Have them at home. I'm at work (Ha!) now.

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Oyster Bay Harbor, New York
emil maurer

Re: replacing mainsheet traveler system on a cd25d

Post by emil maurer »

Jack Aboulafia wrote: I have an '82 25D and I would like to replace the original mainsheet traveler system .It binds and is very hard to move under load.If anyone has replaced their's ,or has any suggestions please reply.
I replaced the traveller on my '83 25D with a Harken which has on each side of the small car: a control line, two small blocks and a cam cleat .
The mechanical advantage provided and the ease of adjustment made it a worthwhile improvement. It enables single handling adjustments when the wind starts to exert real pressure above 15 knots. I can't seem to find the catalog. Will look further.
emil maurer

Re: replacing mainsheet traveler system on a cd25d

Post by emil maurer »

Jack Aboulafia wrote: I have an '82 25D and I would like to replace the original mainsheet traveler system .It binds and is very hard to move under load.If anyone has replaced their's ,or has any suggestions please reply.
I replaced the traveller on my '83 25D with a Harken which has on each side of the small car: a control line, two small blocks and a cam cleat .
The mechanical advantage provided and the ease of adjustment made it a worthwhile improvement. It enables single handling adjustments when the wind starts to exert real pressure above 15 knots. I can't seem to find the catalog. Will look further.
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