Tall Ship Collision

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Ed Rant

Tall Ship Collision

Post by Ed Rant »

Saw this at sailtexas.com.

Warren Kaplan

Re: Tall Ship Collision

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Any copy to go along with those pictures? Perhaps I missed it. From just the pictures, in spite of the main and fore lower topsails being set, along with a few flying jibs, it appears that the square rigger was under power. Overtaking a large tanker which cannot maneuver well in perhaps a narrow shipping lane...? One wonders. Did the square rigger's stearing go on the fritz? Did they lose control some other way? Did they get sucked in by some sort of prop wash from those huge ships? If not..what were they thinking? Again..that's just from what the pictures show. Is the story completely different??

Warren kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Oyster Bay Harbor, New York

Ed Rant

Re: Tall Ship Collision

Post by Ed Rant »

Warren Kaplan wrote: Ed,
Any copy to go along with those pictures?...
"The Sailing Ship Elissa on its way to the 'Elissa Regatta' at Houston Yacht Club was hit by an overtaking ship -The Eagle Augusta of Singapore in the Houston Ship Channel at about 11:45 (CDT) Saturday, April 20. The Elissa suffered damage to its bowsprit. The overtaking vessel has the responsibility to keep clear, both vessels were constrained by draft to the dredged channel, fortunately there were no crew injuries reported."


Warren Kaplan

Re: Tall Ship Collision

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Ed Rant wrote:
Warren Kaplan wrote: Ed,
Any copy to go along with those pictures?...
"The Sailing Ship Elissa on its way to the 'Elissa Regatta' at Houston Yacht Club was hit by an overtaking ship -The Eagle Augusta of Singapore in the Houston Ship Channel at about 11:45 (CDT) Saturday, April 20. The Elissa suffered damage to its bowsprit. The overtaking vessel has the responsibility to keep clear, both vessels were constrained by draft to the dredged channel, fortunately there were no crew injuries reported."

And to me it looked like the square rigger ran into the tanker! Just proves you have to get the WHOLE story before jumping to conclusions. I'll have to take another look at the site. Perhaps I didn't look carefully at the sequence!


Catherine Monaghan

Here's the story...

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

<a href="http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/m ... 76292">The Houston Chronicle, "Tall ship Elissa, tanker collide", April 20, 2002.

Capt. Jack

Re: Here's the story/Back ground on Elissa

Post by Capt. Jack »

IF you're interested in the background of this or any other "Tall Ship" go to SchoonerMan.com, Go to the section that says "Tall Sailing Ships" and click on the First letter of what ever ship you're looking for. Just follow it from there. Interesting web site. Fairwinds, C.J.
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