Pricing on Typhoon.

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Pricing on Typhoon.

Post by Jim »

I will be looking at a 19ft typhoon (assume it's the weekender) 1975-76, with trailor, relatively new sails, old motor. Sounds like it has been taken very well care of - Hull painted, teak oiled, new cushions, etc. What is a fair price range? Also, were the majority of 19ft typhoons weekenders? Does anyone have the specs on the day sailor version if there is one? Great Board, Any help would be appreciated.
Dan Sholler

Re: Pricing on Typhoon.

Post by Dan Sholler »

Jim wrote: I will be looking at a 19ft typhoon (assume it's the weekender) 1975-76, with trailor, relatively new sails, old motor. Sounds like it has been taken very well care of - Hull painted, teak oiled, new cushions, etc. What is a fair price range? Also, were the majority of 19ft typhoons weekenders? Does anyone have the specs on the day sailor version if there is one? Great Board, Any help would be appreciated.
You can take a look at the online manuals and specs at

How about ""?

Post by Joel »

If you subscribe to (it's free) you can get an idea of what they say a boat is worth. Does anyone have any experience that can help to testify to the accuracy of their pricing?

Joel Bondy
s/v Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY
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