Genoa rigging

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Mike Roy

Genoa rigging

Post by Mike Roy »

I am planning on buying a genoa for my 1974 Typhoon Weekender. I have noticed that most Typhoons have bronze winches mounted to the deck and cockpit coaming to handle the genoa sheets. My boat has only old cam cleats mounted on a wooden block which in turn is mounted to the coaming. I do have the tracks mounted on the rub rail which I presume is for a turning block. I'm a little dubious about the ability of these cam cleats to handle the load. Any advice?
Dan Sholler

Re: Genoa rigging

Post by Dan Sholler »

Mike Roy wrote: I am planning on buying a genoa for my 1974 Typhoon Weekender. I have noticed that most Typhoons have bronze winches mounted to the deck and cockpit coaming to handle the genoa sheets. My boat has only old cam cleats mounted on a wooden block which in turn is mounted to the coaming. I do have the tracks mounted on the rub rail which I presume is for a turning block. I'm a little dubious about the ability of these cam cleats to handle the load. Any advice?

I think the problem is not the strength (which would depend on the attachments, mostly) but the direction. On my boat the lead blocks are aft of the winches, and I expect your camcleats are designed to hold a load from the fairleads on the cabintop, i.e. from forward, no? I expect the loads are not much of an issue, since I tie off my sheets to cleats that are just screwed into the coaming.

Re: Genoa rigging

Post by sloopjohnl »

i sheet and trim the jib without the use of the winches, but regularly use the winches for the genoa. a 135 or 150 genoa in a breeze can be a handful to trim properly without the assistance of the winches. can you mount a pair of winches on the wooden blocks for a satisfactory sheeting angle?

Mike Roy wrote: I am planning on buying a genoa for my 1974 Typhoon Weekender. I have noticed that most Typhoons have bronze winches mounted to the deck and cockpit coaming to handle the genoa sheets. My boat has only old cam cleats mounted on a wooden block which in turn is mounted to the coaming. I do have the tracks mounted on the rub rail which I presume is for a turning block. I'm a little dubious about the ability of these cam cleats to handle the load. Any advice?
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