anchorages on the Hudson River

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Mike Davis

anchorages on the Hudson River

Post by Mike Davis »

I would like to sail my CD25 from New York City to Peekskill, NY. I am wondering if there are any safe anchorages on the way up. Thanks.
Wally Bennett

Re: anchorages on the Hudson River

Post by Wally Bennett »

Mike Davis wrote: I would like to sail my CD25 from New York City to Peekskill, NY. I am wondering if there are any safe anchorages on the way up. Thanks.

I am member of the Nyack Boat Club. we have vistor moorings for guys
like you. The fee maybe $5 to $10 dollars. The launch only runs on
weekends now. We are located on the west side of the river just pass
the Tappan Zee Bridge. If you come during the week there is probably
no fee.
About 4 miles pass nyack on the right side of the river is Croton
bay on the North side of Croton County Pk. This is good holding
and some what protected for archoring.

NOTE:When you go to Peekskill you go pass Coned Nuc Plant which
has USCG restrictions. You must go under power NOT under sail, they
don't want anyone floating or potting around in that area.
There may be USCG Cutter stationed there. GOOD Luck!!!

Wally Bennett
Bill Goldsmith

Re: anchorages on the Hudson River

Post by Bill Goldsmith »


Between NYC and Tarrytown the river is narrow and offers possible anchorages but they are relatively exposed. For a couple of miles south of the GW Bridge there are moorings, although I do not know whom to contact. Anchoring is possible there, although be prepared for four current changes per 24 hour period (two over night), with 2+ knot currents.

Between the GW and the Tappan Zee Bridge there is not much available save for some older small Yacht Clubs that do maintain some moorings, so there is probably some room to anchor in reasonable depth water near those moorings.

The first real anchorage would be just north of the Tappan Zee bridge on the West bank of the river, in Nyack. That area is relatively exposed in a southerly, but in a prevailing northwesterly it is fine.

Going north, there is a fine anchorage on the north side of Croton Point, at Croton Point Park, in Haverstraw Bay. It is one of the nicest anchorages on the Hudson, if not anywhere. It gets a little crowded near shore, with many power yachts arriving from NYC and New Jersey for weekends, however the anchorage is so huge that you can back away from the crowds and still be in a nice depth of water. The entire bay is only 8 feet deep at low tide, 12 feet at high tide, so there is virtually unlimited space for anchoring. The anchorage can be exposed in the prevailing northwesterlies, but is very protected in a southerly. Holding is very good most anywhere on the River, as the bottom is mostly mud.

From Croton Point, beat across the bay toward the main channel range boards in Verplanck, proceed up the river, and you'll be in Peekskill. (Try to sail up to Peekskill on a flood tide, it will take half the time).

Marinas are also available. Starting at the GW, there is a marina in Alpine, NJ across from the Harlem River entance, but I have never been in there. Tarrytown marina is just north of the Tappan Zee Bridge on the east bank of the river. In Ossining, there is Westerly Marina. In Haverstraw, on the northwest corner of Haverstraw Bay, is Haverstraw Marina, a huge full service marina with a pool, chandlery and a restaurant.

When are you coming by?

Bill Goldsmith
Second Chance
Croton-on-Hudson, NY
Mike Davis wrote: I would like to sail my CD25 from New York City to Peekskill, NY. I am wondering if there are any safe anchorages on the way up. Thanks.
Catherine Monaghan

Re: anchorages on the Hudson River

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


I have been researching this myself since I'm planning a rendezvous on the Hudson River July 4-7, 2002.

There's actually a fine anchorage in NY Harbor between Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. There are restricted security zones around both islands since Sept. 11th, but there is a gap between the security zones and you should still be able to anchor there. You may want to ask this question again once the sailing season has begun to get some input from others who have already tried using the anchorage -- or try contacting the Coast Guard. The coasties have been on edge since 9/11 so they may chase boats out of the anchorage but we won't really know until the sailing season starts. Anyway, you can keep up on the status of NY harbor by frequently visiting:

<a href=" ... t_8.htm</a>

As long as you're not planning your trip to take place during the week of July 4th, there are a host of marinas available in the harbor, most on the NJ side.

You may also be able to get a mooring from the Manhattan Yacht Club. Their mooring field is at Pier 25. The last time we got a mooring from them, they were going for $1 per foot which is an excellent price as far as NY Harbor is concerned.

Continuing up the river, if you don't want to stay at a marina, the first place you'd be able to get a mooring or anchor would be just north of the West 79th Street Boat Basin. The holding there is supposedly poor, so a mooring would probably be preferred.

There isn't much in the way of anchorages between the West 79th Street Boat Basin and the George Washington Bridge but there are a couple more marinas/yacht clubs on the NJ side. If you want to use one of them, I'd contact them first, since I'm not sure if they all cater to transients. They are Grand Cove Marina & Yacht Club, 989 River Road, Edgewater, NJ (201-944-2628); Von Dohln Marina on the Hudson, 1339 River Road, Edgewater, NJ (201-943-3424); and North Hudson Yacht Club, 1375 River Road, Edgewater, NJ (201-886-9739).

If the wind is right you can find a number of suitable anchorages at the base of the cliffs of the Palisades but be prepared to be rolled by passing river traffic.

Just north of the George Washington Bridge on the Hudson's western shore (Fort Lee, NJ), there's <a href="">Ross Dock</a>. This is a riverfront park. You can anchor north or south of the dock, just don't get too close to shore or the dock. Also, there's a boat launching ramp on the north side, so you'll want to stay clear of that area. (Check your charts -- is another good source.)

Across from the Spuyten Duyvil (Harlem River) you'll find the <a href=" ... >Englewood Boat Basin</a>. Depths in the basin are shallow but you can anchor outside the boat basin but there's little protection except from the cliffs.

About 4 nautical miles north, again on the NJ side, you'll find the <a href="">Alpine Boat Basin</a>. This basin is also shallow but you can anchor outside the basin, north or south of it, depending on the wind.

Continuing north on the river, before reaching the Tappan Zee Bridge, on the river's western shore, you'll come to <a href=" ... ">Piermont Pier</a> (Piermont, NY). It's a prominent mile long point just north of the NY state border. You can anchor on the north side of the point but watch your depths. There are also a few marinas in Piermont.

Just north of the Tappan Zee Bridge you have a couple of options. On the eastern shore there's Tarrytown and a little farther north on the western shore there's Nyack. There's a marina and yacht club in Tarrytown but there's a large anchorage (mostly mooring field) in Nyack as well as other marine facilities.

Continuing north, on the eastern shore, Ossining has some marine facilities, then there's Croton Bay which is rather shallow. But north of <a href=" ... tm">Croton Point</a> there's an anchorage. (By the way, this is where we'll be meeting July 4-7). Across the bay in Haverstraw you'll find another large <a href="">marina</a>.

Further north, on the river's western shore is Stony Point. This is across from Verplanck. You can anchor on the north side of Stony Point. There are also marine facilities on Stony Point Bay to the south but the bay is shallow at low tide.

Continuing north beyond Verplanck you'll finally come to Peekskill passing the Indian Point nuclear power station along the way. Be sure to give Indian Point a wide berth as there is a security zone around the power station. The security zone is a 300-yard radius around their pier. See: <a href=" ... =1">Indian Point Safety Zone Map</a>.

Good luck.

CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Mike Davis wrote: I would like to sail my CD25 from New York City to Peekskill, NY. I am wondering if there are any safe anchorages on the way up. Thanks.
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