typhoon onboard storage

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typhoon onboard storage

Post by Chip »

I'm wary of storing anything in my TY between the cabin sole and hull. There are a ton of apparent lockers under the V berth and quarter berths, but putting anything directly against the hull below the water line creeps me out. Does anyone actually use this space effectively. I'd love to gain the stowage space for gear. Currently, the only time I open those spaces is when I'm trying to circulate air while the boat is in storage!
All views welcome.

Mike Wainfeld

Re: typhoon onboard storage

Post by Mike Wainfeld »

I store lots of stuff in the "lockers". Extra line under the port quarterberth, cleaning supplies, ie paper towels, rags, soap, boat brush under the starboard side. Toolbox , flares, signal flag under one of the V-berths. Anchor and rode in a bag under the cockpit between the quarterberths. Fenders and boathook under the cockpit seats. Other thing more accessible, binoculars, boomvang tackle, Speedtech depthsounder, go in a bucket placed on the cabin floor.
Mike Wainfeld
CD Ty "Regalo"


Re: typhoon onboard storage

Post by sloopjohnl »

sounds like my Ty, except you left out the six-pack of Yuengling lager in the forward most compartment.

Mike Wainfeld wrote: I store lots of stuff in the "lockers". Extra line under the port quarterberth, cleaning supplies, ie paper towels, rags, soap, boat brush under the starboard side. Toolbox , flares, signal flag under one of the V-berths. Anchor and rode in a bag under the cockpit between the quarterberths. Fenders and boathook under the cockpit seats. Other thing more accessible, binoculars, boomvang tackle, Speedtech depthsounder, go in a bucket placed on the cabin floor.
Mike Wainfeld
CD Ty "Regalo"

Re: typhoon onboard storage

Post by chip »

I've always assumed that the "lockers" below, basically all those accessed under the berth cushions, were connected directly to the bilge. I've been reluctant to store stuff there - hard items because they are directly against the hull and soft items because they could come in contact with bilge grime (I know, clean the bilge). Am I alone in having empty lockers below?

- Chip


Nope. You're not alone. (nm)

Post by Joel »

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