Hi All
A week ago I posted asking about the winches on my CD25. I had no info exept a description of the winch itself. I wanted info and hoped to find someone with a spare to sell me. It will come as no surprise to many who frequent this spot, that many sailors responded to help and I found out some usefull info. Thanks to all who helped.
It seems that the CD25s made in 73 and 74; and some in late 74 for model year 75 like mine, came with these composite winches made by an English company called Tuphfittings. The only place this can be found is on the original winch handle. Only two people who responded still had the original winch handles. Most who still had the winches had long ago lost the original handle so I feel lucky to have found this out. This is why I am particularly thankfull to John Reizian of CT, who not only had two winches like mine, but two original winch handles as well and was willing to part with them for the very reasonable price of nothing. Thank You John.
This is the kind of comraderie I see and experience on this site all the time. So I also want to thank everyone who takes the time to help out here. I don't know how long it would have taken me to even find out anything about those winches if not for this site. I have taken on several projects in my first year as a sailor. Every project I have done has been made easier by the knowledge given to me on this board. Sometimes its a sugestion on where to look, sometimes it is a detailed explanation of a difficult task. Always there is help to found here as well as comraderie. This also inspired me to join the first club I ever joined, The CDSOA. Thanks to everyone!
Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
Sailing from Chesapeake Beach, MD
Moderator: Jim Walsh