CD-25 water leak

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Mike Spindler

CD-25 water leak

Post by Mike Spindler »

1974 CD-25
Leak coming from the stern as it sits in the water.
-The bilge fills up about a gallon an hour
-The cockpit locker is dry
-All through-hull plugs are dry

Is there any packing that is suppose to go around the rudder shaft?
Is there any place inbetween the outer hull and the cockpit locker
that water can come in?

Help!! (THANK YOU!)

Re: CD-25 water leak

Post by Eric »

Any chance your motor got fouled in a lobster trap or other foreign object? I had that happen a few years ago at full throttle and it punched two penny-sized holes in the leading edge of the inside of the well. Had to repair with a piece of stainless and some glass.


1974 CD-25
Mike Spindler wrote: Leak coming from the stern as it sits in the water.
-The bilge fills up about a gallon an hour
-The cockpit locker is dry
-All through-hull plugs are dry

Is there any packing that is suppose to go around the rudder shaft?
Is there any place inbetween the outer hull and the cockpit locker
that water can come in?

Help!! (THANK YOU!)
Frank Vernet

Re: CD-25 water leak

Post by Frank Vernet »

I'd check the stuffing box (also called a packing glands) which you'll find behind the engine where the shaft penetrates the hull.

The concept is simple - the shaft is sealed by compressing a soft material against it, using a hollow nut. The more you tighten the nut, the more the sealing material is compressed against the shaft and therefore the more watertight integrity (in theory).

Over time, the packing (flax) dries out, and is worn away by the turning of the shaft. Water gets around the packing and begins filling your, you tighten down some more on the packing nut - squeezing the flax tighter against the shaft. While the flax may be softer than the shaft, eventually that nice, soft packing becomes hard enough to wear a groove in your propeller shaft unless you service the stuffing box annually (or so).

How do you know when to repack the stuffing box? Absent other obvious sources, excessive water accumulation as you descibed is a good clue. Just assume that it needs it now. If the packing is a year old or more, you won't be wasting your time to replace it, since the job is simple.

Hope this helps.

Frank Vernet
CO Sirius
CD33 #84

Re: CD-25 water leak

Post by len »


i don't know if this applies to the CD25 but on the CD31 the rudder shaft has flax packing and a large nut that tightens it down, it is not supposed to leak at all (in contrast to the propeller shaft which is supposed to leak for lubrication purposes) - if there is a similar arrangement on your boat, you should first try to just tighten the nut and see if that solves the problem - good luck

Jim Myers

Re: CD-25 water leak

Post by Jim Myers »

Since this is the CD25 not 25D you do not have a stuffing box. The rudder tube could be leaking where it exits the hull but the way it is built I would doubt it. I would like to know why you assume that it is coming in from the stern?
I just had a bad experience with my 1981 CD25
After the rudder post repair was completed my boat was moved out of the paint shed. When she was set down on the keel support timbers a 6"crack along the edge of the bottom of the keel about 18" forward of the rudder heel opened up and leeked the water out of the bilge.
It has now been ground out, filled and glassed over. It is certainly possible that you too could be experiencing something similar. I canonly guess that the best remedy is to haul the boat and see where the water leaks back out.

Mike Spindler wrote: 1974 CD-25
Leak coming from the stern as it sits in the water.
-The bilge fills up about a gallon an hour
-The cockpit locker is dry
-All through-hull plugs are dry

Is there any packing that is suppose to go around the rudder shaft?
Is there any place inbetween the outer hull and the cockpit locker
that water can come in?

Help!! (THANK YOU!)
Mike Spindler

Re: CD-25 water leak

Post by Mike Spindler »

It is a 1974 CD-25, not 25D... so there is no propeller shaft, but
tom babington

Re: CD-25 water leak

Post by tom babington »

Mike Spindler wrote: 1974 CD-25
Leak coming from the stern as it sits in the water.
-The bilge fills up about a gallon an hour
-The cockpit locker is dry
-All through-hull plugs are dry

Is there any packing that is suppose to go around the rudder shaft?
Is there any place inbetween the outer hull and the cockpit locker
that water can come in?
I beleive there is a liner in the main area of the cockpit lockers, where the battery is located. This liner ends further back in the locker area. You will see the transition. You can also see the liner if you look inside the locker up to the toerail. If you don't see a water trail near the rudder shaft or outboard well area inside the locker it must be a hull leak under the liner? Sorry I'm not really sure what to tell you. We have a very slight leak in the outboard well area when sailing. A quart of water in a day of sailing. Get right inside the locker with a flashlight.
Mike Spindler

Re: CD-25 water leak

Post by Mike Spindler »

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. We have pulled the boat out of the water a few hours ago and I have filled the bilge with water almost to the top. Nothing! But I don't discount that I might have a crack along the bottom. It makes sense since they only put two timber beams under it... for all that weight... all winter. I think it is in the back because, when in the water, I pumped out the bilge; dried it; and it began to get wet and fill from the back. I guess that doesn't exclude it seeping in from a crack anywhere along the bottom. But that's why I felt that since everything else is bone-dry, including the rudder tube, that it was somehow coming in through that tube and then leaking out before it got to the cockpit locker. I have dried out that locker all the way back and under... nothing.

Any other ideas are GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks all,

tom babington wrote:
Mike Spindler wrote: 1974 CD-25
Leak coming from the stern as it sits in the water.
-The bilge fills up about a gallon an hour
-The cockpit locker is dry
-All through-hull plugs are dry

Is there any packing that is suppose to go around the rudder shaft?
Is there any place inbetween the outer hull and the cockpit locker
that water can come in?
I beleive there is a liner in the main area of the cockpit lockers, where the battery is located. This liner ends further back in the locker area. You will see the transition. You can also see the liner if you look inside the locker up to the toerail. If you don't see a water trail near the rudder shaft or outboard well area inside the locker it must be a hull leak under the liner? Sorry I'm not really sure what to tell you. We have a very slight leak in the outboard well area when sailing. A quart of water in a day of sailing. Get right inside the locker with a flashlight.
Mike Spindler

Re: CD-25 water leak

Post by Mike Spindler »

I just included a response to these ideas in the response to Tom. Thank you! -Mike
Jim Myers wrote: Since this is the CD25 not 25D you do not have a stuffing box. The rudder tube could be leaking where it exits the hull but the way it is built I would doubt it. I would like to know why you assume that it is coming in from the stern?
I just had a bad experience with my 1981 CD25
After the rudder post repair was completed my boat was moved out of the paint shed. When she was set down on the keel support timbers a 6"crack along the edge of the bottom of the keel about 18" forward of the rudder heel opened up and leeked the water out of the bilge.
It has now been ground out, filled and glassed over. It is certainly possible that you too could be experiencing something similar. I canonly guess that the best remedy is to haul the boat and see where the water leaks back out.

Mike Spindler wrote: 1974 CD-25
Leak coming from the stern as it sits in the water.
-The bilge fills up about a gallon an hour
-The cockpit locker is dry
-All through-hull plugs are dry

Is there any packing that is suppose to go around the rudder shaft?
Is there any place inbetween the outer hull and the cockpit locker
that water can come in?

Help!! (THANK YOU!)
tom babington

Re: CD-25 water leak

Post by tom babington »

how about filling the bilge right up to the access plate in the cabin and see if you have any leaks. Right up to the cabin floor. Its a bit much but that much water has to be coming in from some place. Our boat just sits on two timbers all winter I don't think that has caused the problem.
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