Captain Stump, et al:
It is with sincere regret that I report the appearance of marine critters of the hard shell persuasion, on my prop. This despite frequent usage of boat which requires putting revolutions on prop.
Is there no balm in Gilead?
CD 30
stoveblack & critters
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: CRITTERS....? ? ?
Are you saying that the stove black didn't work? Or are you saying you did not use it? If it did not work, describe the mooring conditions she was subjected too. Water conditions, current, tide, fresh/salt combination or what? Everything you think could have affected how it did/did not work. Will allow all the armchair critter critique'rs a chance to discuss the usefulness of stove black.
Dave Stump
s/v Hanalei
Are you saying that the stove black didn't work? Or are you saying you did not use it? If it did not work, describe the mooring conditions she was subjected too. Water conditions, current, tide, fresh/salt combination or what? Everything you think could have affected how it did/did not work. Will allow all the armchair critter critique'rs a chance to discuss the usefulness of stove black.
Dave Stump
s/v Hanalei
Re: CRITTERS....? ? ?
[No, what I'm saying is, that notwithstanding the application of 10-15 coats of the substance under discussion, that after being back in the water since the end of January, and frequent usage of boat, I have noticed an accumulation of said critters. I'm not being judgmental, merely passing on an observation.]D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Will,
Are you saying that the stove black didn't work?
Or are you saying you did not use it?
[No. See above]
If it did not work, describe the mooring conditions she was subjected too. Water conditions, current, tide, fresh/salt combination or what?
[Jambalaya is docked at a marina on the ICW in southeast Florida, i.e. West Palm Beach. It is subject to a salty and significant tidal current. The marina is no more than 1 mile from the Lake Worth Inlet.]
Everything you think could have affected how it did/did not work. [Perhaps my attitude was too skeptical and it affected the efficacy of said substance. Obviously one needs to embrace advances in technology with a positive outlook and great assurance. Or perhaps the critters seek refuge in the marina because it is sponsored by a municipality instead of private enterprise.]
Will allow all the armchair critter critique'rs a chance to discuss the usefulness of stove black.
[Final comment: The reason bottom paint fails to deter critters from perching on your prop is because the prop spins the paint right off as soon as it begins to turn. My guess is that the substance in question has no greater adherence quality than does bottom paint, and is slung off every time the engine is running in gear, particularly at cruising RPM. Adherence of the anti-fouling substance (stoveblack or bottom paint) is the problem that needs solving.]