Captains Commanding,
I have a problem with the throttle control on Hanalei. It hangs up at odd times, like when pulling into the slip, when you least expect it!(Crash, crunch and all that stuff!). It is not the throttle linkage! I have checked it ad infinitum! The problem is in the area where the bellcrank shaft enters the top of the engine block. That is where it is hanging up! I don't know if that area would be called a throttle body or what, but for some reason, that is where it is hanging up! That area is NOT described in the service manual! I have just installed a new Racor 25 micron fuel filter(neat device, if you are looking for an new filter), but that is not the problem(replaced the old Fram sealed unit)! Any suggestions or advice would be most appreciated.
Understand Sirs, this will in no way affect the out come of this years RACE as engines are NOT allowed during the RACE......I Remain Sirs, your most HUMBLE servant............
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
CDSOA Number ONE ! ! !
HELP, Diesel mechanics, Universal 18, 14 hp....
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Lubrication.
Dear sir:
I dont know anything about the linkage on your CD but would like to share a little information about lubrication. With regards to you type of problem many people would tell you give the linkage a shot of WD-40. Before you make this mistake consider this. If your throttle cable has or had any type of lube in it or on it when new WD-40 would remove or flush it out. The point being WD-40 is a solvent and not a good lube. Thats why it loosens up rusted or squeeking items. To solve a true binding situation a good oil must be used. Marvel mystery oil or any good light machine oil is prefered. There is an exception to this however and that is in an aplication where heat is present. A throttle body or carburator shaft and adjacent linkage should be lubed with a dry lube. This type of lube uses a solvent to carry in a carbon or graghite powder to the source. Once applied the solvent evaporates leaving the dry lube. The dry lube with not attract further dirt or dust as oils will. You might want to give it a try on your throttle linkage. Not the cable just the mechanical linkage and cams. Hope this helps.
I dont know anything about the linkage on your CD but would like to share a little information about lubrication. With regards to you type of problem many people would tell you give the linkage a shot of WD-40. Before you make this mistake consider this. If your throttle cable has or had any type of lube in it or on it when new WD-40 would remove or flush it out. The point being WD-40 is a solvent and not a good lube. Thats why it loosens up rusted or squeeking items. To solve a true binding situation a good oil must be used. Marvel mystery oil or any good light machine oil is prefered. There is an exception to this however and that is in an aplication where heat is present. A throttle body or carburator shaft and adjacent linkage should be lubed with a dry lube. This type of lube uses a solvent to carry in a carbon or graghite powder to the source. Once applied the solvent evaporates leaving the dry lube. The dry lube with not attract further dirt or dust as oils will. You might want to give it a try on your throttle linkage. Not the cable just the mechanical linkage and cams. Hope this helps.
Re: HELP, Diesel mechanics, Universal 18, 14 hp....
Other than everything that Doug has posted here, which should be well noted to those unfamiliar with the properties of WD40. Make sure that your throttle cable does not have a burr in it. My guess is if it's still the original cable it may be going and that's the cause of your throttle problems. Having been a diesel service manager in my past life many many years ago this frequently has been the problem.
Ranger #144
CD25D 1984
Other than everything that Doug has posted here, which should be well noted to those unfamiliar with the properties of WD40. Make sure that your throttle cable does not have a burr in it. My guess is if it's still the original cable it may be going and that's the cause of your throttle problems. Having been a diesel service manager in my past life many many years ago this frequently has been the problem.
Ranger #144
CD25D 1984
Re: HELP, Diesel mechanics, Universal 18, 14 hp....
I think I answered you on one note a few months ago and I called it a throttle body which I think is correct. I am an engineer not a mechanic so what I would do is contact Whiteford Marine Service (Drew is the younger son)in Groton. There business is on Welles Road in Groton phone 536-3832. Drew and his father Bob work on these engines all the time and are excellent. They do a lot of business at Shennecossett Yacht club where my 36 is right now, Nepenthe, and drive the big white panel vans. I have had some concern because my cable seems to be stiff but has never hung up like you describe. I have an 84 with a 4-108 Perkins and the cable could be an original. I have lubricated it as best possible and it has loosened some so I think I probably need a new cable. On my Cape Dory 30, the throttle kept creeping down so I had to put on a clamp in the cable to give it some added friction. The original owner used a clamp on the 36 and I have loosened it up and the cable is still stiff. Anyway just like you went to Sound Rigging to get the new bobstay, it follows that you need some professional help. Good luck!
Dennis Robinett
CD36 Nepenthe
Shennecossett Yacht Club
Groton, CT
I think I answered you on one note a few months ago and I called it a throttle body which I think is correct. I am an engineer not a mechanic so what I would do is contact Whiteford Marine Service (Drew is the younger son)in Groton. There business is on Welles Road in Groton phone 536-3832. Drew and his father Bob work on these engines all the time and are excellent. They do a lot of business at Shennecossett Yacht club where my 36 is right now, Nepenthe, and drive the big white panel vans. I have had some concern because my cable seems to be stiff but has never hung up like you describe. I have an 84 with a 4-108 Perkins and the cable could be an original. I have lubricated it as best possible and it has loosened some so I think I probably need a new cable. On my Cape Dory 30, the throttle kept creeping down so I had to put on a clamp in the cable to give it some added friction. The original owner used a clamp on the 36 and I have loosened it up and the cable is still stiff. Anyway just like you went to Sound Rigging to get the new bobstay, it follows that you need some professional help. Good luck!
Dennis Robinett
CD36 Nepenthe
Shennecossett Yacht Club
Groton, CT
Re: HELP, Diesel mechanics, Universal 18, 14 hp....
I think I answered you on one note a few months ago and I called it a throttle body which I think is correct. I am an engineer not a mechanic so what I would do is contact Whiteford Marine Service (Drew is the younger son)in Groton. There business is on Welles Road in Groton phone 536-3832. Drew and his father Bob work on these engines all the time and are excellent. They do a lot of business at Shennecossett Yacht club where my 36 is right now, Nepenthe, and drive the big white panel vans. I have had some concern because my cable seems to be stiff but has never hung up like you describe. I have an 84 with a 4-108 Perkins and the cable could be an original. I have lubricated it as best possible and it has loosened some so I think I probably need a new cable. On my Cape Dory 30, the throttle kept creeping down so I had to put on a clamp in the cable to give it some added friction. The original owner used a clamp on the 36 and I have loosened it up and the cable is still stiff. Anyway just like you went to Sound Rigging to get the new bobstay, it follows that you need some professional help. Good luck!
Dennis Robinett
CD36 Nepenthe
Shennecossett Yacht Club
Groton, CT
I think I answered you on one note a few months ago and I called it a throttle body which I think is correct. I am an engineer not a mechanic so what I would do is contact Whiteford Marine Service (Drew is the younger son)in Groton. There business is on Welles Road in Groton phone 536-3832. Drew and his father Bob work on these engines all the time and are excellent. They do a lot of business at Shennecossett Yacht club where my 36 is right now, Nepenthe, and drive the big white panel vans. I have had some concern because my cable seems to be stiff but has never hung up like you describe. I have an 84 with a 4-108 Perkins and the cable could be an original. I have lubricated it as best possible and it has loosened some so I think I probably need a new cable. On my Cape Dory 30, the throttle kept creeping down so I had to put on a clamp in the cable to give it some added friction. The original owner used a clamp on the 36 and I have loosened it up and the cable is still stiff. Anyway just like you went to Sound Rigging to get the new bobstay, it follows that you need some professional help. Good luck!
Dennis Robinett
CD36 Nepenthe
Shennecossett Yacht Club
Groton, CT
Re: Cable drag.....
Captain Commanding Nepthene,
Thanks Dennis, I may just have to get to the experts. Did you know that there is a cable restrictor built into the Edson binnacle? It is there to do just what you describe, add a little friction to the cable. Maybe yours is too tight/too loose?? Check the Edson site, I think they have directions.....bending on stays'l and Yankee this morning, adding lifejackets, creature comforts like cabin cushions(grog?), and she is ready to leave the slip!
D. Stump
Thanks Dennis, I may just have to get to the experts. Did you know that there is a cable restrictor built into the Edson binnacle? It is there to do just what you describe, add a little friction to the cable. Maybe yours is too tight/too loose?? Check the Edson site, I think they have directions.....bending on stays'l and Yankee this morning, adding lifejackets, creature comforts like cabin cushions(grog?), and she is ready to leave the slip!
D. Stump