Installing Hot Water on a 25D

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Ron V.

Installing Hot Water on a 25D

Post by Ron V. »

Anyone have an experience installing a hot water heater on a 25D. Don't know if I'm going to do it but putting it to the thought process. I'm interested in placement, size, recommended brands, things to watch out for etc.
Anthony P. Jeske

Re: Installing Hot Water on a 25D

Post by Anthony P. Jeske »

Because of space availability and need to be near the engine, the water heaters are usually installed in the cockpit lockers. On a 25D, I would expect only the portside locker would work. Unless you relocated the batteries, (to where?) you would have to mount the heater aft of the batteries. On other Cape Dorys, that addition of a heater in the cockpit locker seriously affected the trim. I expect this would be amplified on the smaller 25D. You'll have to really want hot water to compenste for the compromises you 'll have to make in reduction of storage space, loss of sailing performance due to poor trim and the disappointment of seeing your boat squatting in the water.
Tony Jeske
CD-25D #141
San Diego
Don Sargeant

Re: Installing Hot Water on a 25D

Post by Don Sargeant »

Some time ago there was a lot of dialog on the BBS about not being able to replace the 25D water heater because it was installed before the deck was mated with the hull (do a search on water heaters). So putting one in the seat locker would be problematical. Do you have the Westerbeke engine? If not the conversion for a Yanmar is quite costly as I recall. Then you need a Surflow pump, filter, a bunch of valves and some hoses.
Don Sargeant
Lou Ostendorff

Re: Installing Hot Water on a 25D

Post by Lou Ostendorff »

Hi Ron;
As a corollary to Tony's comments, you may want to canvass other 25D owners whose boats came with the hot water option, and see how they like (liked) it...personally, I've thought about the addition, but like Tony said, there is precious little storage space, mostly in the port locker, and 25Ds tend to take it on the rump with the extra weight...I've also grown accustomed to cockpit sun-showers, eliminating bilge problems from the forward shower drain pan. Just my $.02
Lou Ostendorff
CD25D Karma
Hailing Port "Oriental, NC" ('cause I like the name)

Re: Installing Hot Water on a 25D

Post by BobM »

Ron V. wrote: Anyone have an experience installing a hot water heater on a 25D. Don't know if I'm going to do it but putting it to the thought process. I'm interested in placement, size, recommended brands, things to watch out for etc.
Hi Ron:

Ranger came with a hot water heater and it is located behind the quarterberth bulkhead. There is a hatch in the quarterberth bulkhead to gain access to the waterheater. The heater is mounted on a plywood shelf which is fiberglassed to the hull. When opening the starboard cockpit hatch you can gain access to the top of the heater. If memory serves me corectly it's a 6 gallon Raritan square stainless tank. We have a Yanmar 1GM which heats the tank and shore power. Having the tank in the rear does cause her to sit a little by the stern but it is not noticable once we load all the provisions, gear and ground tackle on board. This is the only reasonable location for the hotwater tank. Sorry I can't help you with the installation other than it's great to have on board but not a must have on the boat.

Ranger #144
CD25D 1984

Re: Installing Hot Water on a 25D

Post by Bill »


quick question? Do you know if Ranger came from the factory with this installation or is the installation "aftermarket"?

Just curious.

BobM wrote: Ranger came with a hot water heater and it is located behind the quarterberth bulkhead. There is a hatch in the quarterberth bulkhead to gain access to the waterheater. The heater is mounted on a plywood shelf which is fiberglassed to the hull. When opening the starboard cockpit hatch you can gain access to the top of the heater. If memory serves me corectly it's a 6 gallon Raritan square stainless tank. We have a Yanmar 1GM which heats the tank and shore power. Having the tank in the rear does cause her to sit a little by the stern but it is not noticable once we load all the provisions, gear and ground tackle on board. This is the only reasonable location for the hotwater tank. Sorry I can't help you with the installation other than it's great to have on board but not a must have on the boat.

Ranger #144
CD25D 1984
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