Cape 28 powerboat documentation

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Bert Quay

Cape 28 powerboat documentation

Post by Bert Quay »

Are any of the 28 powerboats - trawlers documented? I'm a new owner and the Coast Guard just turned my application down saying that the boat is too small. There may be a problem with the depth of hull measurement? I'd like to know if any one is successfully documented?
Ken Coit

Re: Cape 28 powerboat documentation

Post by Ken Coit »


You probably knew this already, but just in case, if you don't get any direct responses, you might check out the Registry at this site, sorting on model, to get a list of the CD/28 powerboats. Then you can take those names to the USCG site and see if any are documented. The documentation database is located at:

Keep on sailing,

Ken Coit
CD/36 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC

Bert Quay wrote: Are any of the 28 powerboats - trawlers documented? I'm a new owner and the Coast Guard just turned my application down saying that the boat is too small. There may be a problem with the depth of hull measurement? I'd like to know if any one is successfully documented?
Mark Cline

Re: Cape 28 powerboat documentation

Post by Mark Cline »


I just purchased a 1991 power 28 flybridge. The broker is in the process of documenting the boat and said it would be no problem. I looked at several power 28's that were documented. One is named "A. J. Dolphin" with a homeport in Michigan. You can find her for sale on If I run into any issues, I'll let you know.

Mark Cline
CD Power 28 Flybridge
Ken Coit

A J Dolphin's Documentation Info

Post by Ken Coit »


For what it's worth, here is the info on A J Dolphin's Coast Guard Vessel Documentation:

Vessel Name: A J DOLPHIN USCG Doc. No.: 959736
Vessel Service: RECREATIONAL IMO Number: *
Trade Indicator: RECREATIONAL
Hull Design: * Call Sign: *
Hull Material: FRP Hull Number: CPDDD211J990
Place Built: EAST TAUNTON MA Year Built: 1990
Shipyard: CAPE DORY YACHTS, INC. Length (ft.): 27.9
Hailing Port: MUSKEGON MI Hull Depth (ft.): 5.6
Owner: JEFFREY R JOHNSON Hull Breadth (ft.): 9.9
1929 Forest Glen Dr Gross Tonnage: 10
Muskegon, MI 49441 Net Tonnage: 8

Documentation Issuance Date: May 08, 2001 Documentation Expiration Date: May 31, 2002

Previous Vessel Names:

Previous Vessel Owners:

I guess that settles that argument; good luck with the Coasties!
Don Carr

Re: Cape 28 powerboat documentation..bogus measurements

Post by Don Carr »

I must be missing something here but a boat under 5 tons (unless commercial fishhing) is not documentable. Where does any Cape Dory of the 28' ilk draw 5.6 feet of water. In fact the specs for displacement
coincide with the CG interactive displacement calculator of around 3.5 gross tons. I am surprised the CG didn't catch this one but just took the owners word for measurements..anything to collect the doc fee.

Don Carr
s/v Lolita CD25
Noank, Ct.
Joe Sankey

Re: Cape 28 powerboat documentation..bogus measurements

Post by Joe Sankey »

"admeasurement" as done by the CG is a (to me) somewhat weird concept, but depth is not draft. The whole idea as I understand it is to calculate a theoretical volume which is some way eventually equates to tons, perhaps in terms of carrying capacity.
Joe Sankey
CD 30 Slow Dance
Magnolia Springs, AL
Don Carr wrote: I must be missing something here but a boat under 5 tons (unless commercial fishhing) is not documentable. Where does any Cape Dory of the 28' ilk draw 5.6 feet of water. In fact the specs for displacement
coincide with the CG interactive displacement calculator of around 3.5 gross tons. I am surprised the CG didn't catch this one but just took the owners word for measurements..anything to collect the doc fee.

Don Carr
s/v Lolita CD25
Noank, Ct.
Neil Gordon

Re: Cape 28 powerboat documentation..bogus measurements

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>Where does any Cape Dory of the 28' ilk draw 5.6 feet of water.<<

Hull depth and draft are not the same thing. The former measure is part of the formula that measures tonnage, which is a measure of internal volume and not of weight. Hull depth starts at the deck, not at the waterline.

Regards, Neil
s/v LIQUIDITY, Boston
CD28 #167
Ken Coit

Cape Dory 28 powerboat documentation - USCG Measurements

Post by Ken Coit »

See below for link to "simplified measurements" that supports CD/28 power yacht documentation.

Keep on sailing,

Ken Coit
CD/36 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC

Neil Gordon wrote: >>Where does any Cape Dory of the 28' ilk draw 5.6 feet of water.<<

Hull depth and draft are not the same thing. The former measure is part of the formula that measures tonnage, which is a measure of internal volume and not of weight. Hull depth starts at the deck, not at the waterline.

Regards, Neil
s/v LIQUIDITY, Boston
CD28 #167
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