perkins 4108 mixing elbow cd36 how to replace

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Bill Cahill

perkins 4108 mixing elbow cd36 how to replace

Post by Bill Cahill »

Need to replace the mixing elbow in the wet exhaust setup on my cd36 powered with the Perkins 4108. Any tips? Any sources for the replacement mixing elbow with the water injection? Note to self - don't "clean up" the elbow if you replace the hose - it's black iron and will disintergrate slowly before your wondering eyes - also corrosion blocks the flow of water from the whole system - engine overheating problem solved? Don't know till elbow replaced. The finger will heal, it's not that much of a leak, we are racing tommorow... Help me before I hurt myself. I really love these boats - we are also winning races - some in light air - unbelievable - but I digress. Bill Cahill Galavant cd36 #70 New Orleans, LA SYC
john bunker

Re: perkins 4108 mixing elbow cd36 how to replace

Post by john bunker »

bill.. i built mine from inch and a quarter galvanized pipe fittings... if you can find a good source... wit all the available fittings.. you can design the exact shape you need .. the exhaust hose happens to fit a straight inch and a quarter pipe end quite well.. snug it all in tight i found that the hot exhaust somehow loosened up my fittings on the first try. my perkins parama has a threaded inch and a quarter exit,, lrs
John R.

Re: perkins 4108 mixing elbow cd36 how to replace

Post by John R. »

The most common thing to use is "black iron". I have used bronze on other boats and on my 30 when I couldn't locate all the necessary fittings in black iron. Who knows how long the bronze will last (probably not as long as the BI). Custom made stainless risers are good but the welds are very problematic, they corrode fairly quickly and develop pin holes which can be repaired but just blow through somewhere else on the welds. Galvanized fittings as mentioned already will work but will not last as long as black iron. To prevent pipe fittings from loosening I use JB Weld on all joint threads and form a fillet around each joint seam. Don't forget to wrap the riser with manifold insulator or purchase a manifold heat shield blanket. You don't want any fires starting.
Bill Cahill wrote: Need to replace the mixing elbow in the wet exhaust setup on my cd36 powered with the Perkins 4108. Any tips? Any sources for the replacement mixing elbow with the water injection? Note to self - don't "clean up" the elbow if you replace the hose - it's black iron and will disintergrate slowly before your wondering eyes - also corrosion blocks the flow of water from the whole system - engine overheating problem solved? Don't know till elbow replaced. The finger will heal, it's not that much of a leak, we are racing tommorow... Help me before I hurt myself. I really love these boats - we are also winning races - some in light air - unbelievable - but I digress. Bill Cahill Galavant cd36 #70 New Orleans, LA SYC
Bill Cahill

Re: perkins 4108 mixing elbow cd36 how to replace

Post by Bill Cahill »

Thanks for Help. Found a part that was close, designed for a Universal Diesel, a few hours with a hacksaw and it went in. Getting the old 90 elbow above the part off was Very Difficult. Found that the pipe wall at the elbow had been eroded until it was less than 1/8" thick. Used bronze elbow to replace. Hopefully it will stand up a little better, and to tell you the truth a little metal interaction over the next twenty years between the bronze and the iron may make the thing easier to get off for the next guy - I'm not planning on doing it again.
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