I'm replacing the battered rubber connectors between the cabin top and the spare... (spreader lights/masthead etc).
Can't seem to find exactly the right plug at the local shop or inline- Any thought on where I could look?
where/what to buy--dry-plugs for mast lights
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: where/what to buy--dry-plugs for mast lights
Steve,steve marcotte wrote: I'm replacing the battered rubber connectors between the cabin top and the spare... (spreader lights/masthead etc).
Can't seem to find exactly the right plug at the local shop or inline- Any thought on where I could look?
I had the sample predicament 2 years ago. The closest you'll find even though not perfect is a round body connector by Cole Hersee. It pictured on page 619 of this year's West Marine Catalog. Its the upper one..blue/grey color. 4 prong. My CD27 has only 3 wires so one stays unused. Hope this helps.
Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
CD27 #166
Oyster Bay Harbor, NY
Re: where/what to buy--dry-plugs for mast lights
I assume you are looking for a deck plug. The two best deck plugs I ever came across in my years in the marine business are the "Dri-Plugs" (available in two, three, four conductor versions and also a coax version). The other is the "Aqua Signal" plugs which are a lower profile plug.
Both of these particular plug designs are well designed and very dependable and durable.
Both of these particular plug designs are well designed and very dependable and durable.
steve marcotte wrote: I'm replacing the battered rubber connectors between the cabin top and the spare... (spreader lights/masthead etc).
Can't seem to find exactly the right plug at the local shop or inline- Any thought on where I could look?
Do a search on "dri-plug" for historical data
You can order them direct from Shamrock Chandlery in the UK.....
Good Luck
Lou Ostendorff
CD25D Karma
Berthed in Havelock, NC
Good Luck
Lou Ostendorff
CD25D Karma
Berthed in Havelock, NC