where/what to buy--dry-plugs for mast lights

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steve marcotte

where/what to buy--dry-plugs for mast lights

Post by steve marcotte »

I'm replacing the battered rubber connectors between the cabin top and the spare... (spreader lights/masthead etc).
Can't seem to find exactly the right plug at the local shop or inline- Any thought on where I could look?

Warren Kaplan

Re: where/what to buy--dry-plugs for mast lights

Post by Warren Kaplan »

steve marcotte wrote: I'm replacing the battered rubber connectors between the cabin top and the spare... (spreader lights/masthead etc).
Can't seem to find exactly the right plug at the local shop or inline- Any thought on where I could look?
I had the sample predicament 2 years ago. The closest you'll find even though not perfect is a round body connector by Cole Hersee. It pictured on page 619 of this year's West Marine Catalog. Its the upper one..blue/grey color. 4 prong. My CD27 has only 3 wires so one stays unused. Hope this helps.

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
CD27 #166
Oyster Bay Harbor, NY

John R.

Re: where/what to buy--dry-plugs for mast lights

Post by John R. »

I assume you are looking for a deck plug. The two best deck plugs I ever came across in my years in the marine business are the "Dri-Plugs" (available in two, three, four conductor versions and also a coax version). The other is the "Aqua Signal" plugs which are a lower profile plug.

Both of these particular plug designs are well designed and very dependable and durable.

steve marcotte wrote: I'm replacing the battered rubber connectors between the cabin top and the spare... (spreader lights/masthead etc).
Can't seem to find exactly the right plug at the local shop or inline- Any thought on where I could look?
Lou Ostendorff

Do a search on "dri-plug" for historical data

Post by Lou Ostendorff »

You can order them direct from Shamrock Chandlery in the UK.....
Good Luck
Lou Ostendorff
CD25D Karma
Berthed in Havelock, NC

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