stern arch

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Larry M

stern arch

Post by Larry M »

I hate the thought of placing anything more on the stern but if we are to ever cruise and get off the power grid I need to add a wind gernerator. The two options are a pole mount which with two supports adds a fair amount of clutter or a stern arch. Any thoughts of the pros and cons other than they both look bad? The cd 36 for sale in New Zealand has an arch that looks like they replaced the stern pulpit and made it an integral piece. The boat does have a vane and with the arch does not look stern heavy. I added a monitor already on my 33 with no ill effect on the stern.
Larry M

Re: stern arch

Post by JimL »

How about a boom gallows that mounts behind the mainsheet? Perhaps it could have some quick connect method, similar to trailer hitch units, to accept your gear. I'm working on plans to make a boom gallows for my CD25 that will be behind the mainsheet. It will have a short extension out the back of the boom, that will drop into notches in the curved top plate of the gallows. That way the gallows is far enough behind the cockpit for comfort, and it won't foul the mainsheet.

JimL, CD25 #21, Odyssey III, Dana Point, CA
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