CD25 selftailer retrofit question

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Greg Phillips

CD25 selftailer retrofit question

Post by Greg Phillips »

Does anyone have experience replacing old CD25 winches with selftailers? I'd like to know whose model is an easy fit, what modifications may be needed, good source(new or used). Thanks... Greg Phillips,CD25#469,Linda Lou, Apalachicola,FL.
Jim Myers

Re: CD25 selftailer retrofit question

Post by Jim Myers »

I looked into this. Unfortunately no one makes a self tailer that will fit on the winch supports. I chose to use the wincher. I have had excellent results and they only cost $29.
Greg Phillips wrote: Does anyone have experience replacing old CD25 winches with selftailers? I'd like to know whose model is an easy fit, what modifications may be needed, good source(new or used). Thanks... Greg Phillips,CD25#469,Linda Lou, Apalachicola,FL.
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