support knees for sagging decks - typhoon

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support knees for sagging decks - typhoon

Post by sloopjohnl »

for all those typhoon owners out there with concerns regarding sagging decks, if you click on to the post by scott maccready (4/03) regarding the typhoon for sale on ebay, click onto the ebay link, and then click on the interior picture of the ty, you will see the wider knees that cape dory installed in later model tys to address the support problem of the side decks and cabin tops. they were also available as a retrofit for the older tys, but i don't believe too many were ever retrofitted. IMHO a compression post would be the better option.

Re: support knees for sagging decks - typhoon

Post by Joel »

For the record, the knees look the same as on my '73 and I also have a compression post. Does that mean I fit the definition of a conservative - wearing both suspenders and a belt?

From the looks of things, though, there was some work done by the previous owner in the area of the knees as evidenced by some sloppy glass work.

s/y Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY
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