More bottom paint confusion

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Mimi Litsche

More bottom paint confusion

Post by Mimi Litsche »

Gee--this seems to be a "sticky" issue, and not just what is in the can. We have reviewed the recent board on this subject since we are going to do the bottom this year. We do not know what is on it currently. We have done some blister repair and VC-Tar was a part of that operation. We have no more blistering to date. We were leaning toward VC17 as the final coat, but now our fellow sailor Brett, recently stated that he is removing his and doing something else. Also--the paint scale link referred to from West Marine talks about many different kinds of paint, whats the difference between 'ablative' 'epoxy' etc. Where and why would you use one over the other? Any information (We tried the practical sailor article link, but could not print it out--can you give an issue and date here?) you may have would be appreciated. Thanks

Mimi and Lin CD25D #54 QUEST
Ed Haley

Re: More bottom paint confusion

Post by Ed Haley »

The West Marine chart is useful to help you decide IF the paint you'd like to use will be compatible with the paint already on the bottom, as you stated. You have to know which paint you already have on. Not so much the brand name but the type of bottom paint: ablative, vinyl, teflon, modified epoxy, etc. Each paint generally comes under a specific heading that indicates the type of paint it is.

If you know what brand of paint is on you boat but are still confused, call WM tech support and they can help you. But you pretty much need to know what type of paint is on the bottom now.

FWIW, I used VC Tar and VC17 on the bottom of my CD28 for years in fresh water and could not have been more pleased. It was simple to annually apply a coat (or two on leading edges) and keep as smooth as a baby's bottom. It can be cleaned and burnished (smoothed with a low abrasive pad) with very little elbow grease. Successive layers do not build up rough spots. It would be on my present boat now except for the fact that Micron CSC is on it now and that is a super bottom paint as well.

When you went to the Practical Sailor site and tried to get a copy of an article, understand that they sell reprints to you - $10 for non-members and $7.50 for members. It costs $19.95 for 12 issues (there is a free 14 day subscription service) which is about half a year. Current and previous month's issues are available for you to read free of charge (after you subscribe).

Hope I removed some confusion. If you decide to stay with VC17, I can give you some application tips. Just email me for assistance.

Ed Haley
s/v Mokita
CD330 #1
Mystic CT (temporary)

Re: More bottom paint confusion

Post by Brett »


My previous post shouldn't be interpreted as a disparagement of VC17. As Ed indicated, it's designed for fresh water, so it won't work for me. For a good primer (no pun or endorsement intended)check out the "Boat Painting Guide" on the web site. It explains the differences in paint types etc. As Ed also indicated, you really have to figure out what's on the bottom now before you can decide what your next step is. Otherwise, you'll have a chemistry experiment on you hands.
Mimi Litsche wrote: Gee--this seems to be a "sticky" issue, and not just what is in the can. We have reviewed the recent board on this subject since we are going to do the bottom this year. We do not know what is on it currently. We have done some blister repair and VC-Tar was a part of that operation. We have no more blistering to date. We were leaning toward VC17 as the final coat, but now our fellow sailor Brett, recently stated that he is removing his and doing something else. Also--the paint scale link referred to from West Marine talks about many different kinds of paint, whats the difference between 'ablative' 'epoxy' etc. Where and why would you use one over the other? Any information (We tried the practical sailor article link, but could not print it out--can you give an issue and date here?) you may have would be appreciated. Thanks

Mimi and Lin CD25D #54 QUEST
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