Parts sources for a CD25

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Parts sources for a CD25

Post by Ed »

My wife and I bought our 78 CD25 (#630)late last fall and have enjoyed this site and the message board all winter. She goes in the water next month and we can't wait. She is is in good shape with just cosmetic needs except for a couple of things. Does anyone know a good source for the cowels on the engine well cover and the globes for the running lights? Thanks...
Ken Coit

Re: Parts sources for a CD25

Post by Ken Coit »

Don't know about cowls, but West Marine carries lenses for AquaSignal and Perko lights. Check them out on the web or by calling.

Ken Coit
CD/36 Parfait
Hailing Port: Raleigh, NC
Sailing from: Beaufort, NC

Ed wrote: My wife and I bought our 78 CD25 (#630)late last fall and have enjoyed this site and the message board all winter. She goes in the water next month and we can't wait. She is is in good shape with just cosmetic needs except for a couple of things. Does anyone know a good source for the cowels on the engine well cover and the globes for the running lights? Thanks...

Re: Parts sources for a CD25

Post by Dave »

I just bought a new cowl vent. I got it through . They are a Florida based company and have some excelent prices with no shiping charges.

CD25 R&R
Gloucester, MA

Ed wrote: My wife and I bought our 78 CD25 (#630)late last fall and have enjoyed this site and the message board all winter. She goes in the water next month and we can't wait. She is is in good shape with just cosmetic needs except for a couple of things. Does anyone know a good source for the cowels on the engine well cover and the globes for the running lights? Thanks...
Don Carr

Try Nicro/Marinco

Post by Don Carr »

Here is a link to the Nicro Cowl Vents. They can be had at any Marine strore. On my boat they are the 3" Snap_ins.


Re: Parts sources for a CD25

Post by Ed »

Thanks for the info - it's appreciated! What a great message board!
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