How to Plumb a Mast "on the hard"

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How to Plumb a Mast "on the hard"

Post by Joel »

I just took delivery of my new standing rigging and want to install and tune it while Pokey is still on the trailer. The first step is to get the mast vertical relative to how the boat sits in the water. I figure I can adjust the length of the shrouds until a halyard measures the same distance to a fixed point on both toe rails, probably the chainplates. But how can I determine fore/aft "verticality" when on the hard?

If the bottom of the keel is supposed to be level when she's in the water, then I could level the trailer by raising or lowering the trailer tongue and use a level on the mast (or dangle a halyard and see which way it hangs). But is that the case? Does anyone have any suggestions?


Joel Bondy
s/y Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Level the boat....and

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain Bondy,

Use a level to level the WATER LINE of the boat, adjusting the trailer tongue up or down till she is sitting level. Then use the level on the mast, fore and aft. That should be very close to straigth up and down as ya can get....

Dave Stump
Ken Coit

Re: How to Plumb a Mast "on the hard"

Post by Ken Coit »

I'd bet a lot of money that the water line is close to horizontal when the boat is in the water.

CD/36 Parfait
Raleigh, NC

Joel wrote: I just took delivery of my new standing rigging and want to install and tune it while Pokey is still on the trailer. The first step is to get the mast vertical relative to how the boat sits in the water. I figure I can adjust the length of the shrouds until a halyard measures the same distance to a fixed point on both toe rails, probably the chainplates. But how can I determine fore/aft "verticality" when on the hard?

If the bottom of the keel is supposed to be level when she's in the water, then I could level the trailer by raising or lowering the trailer tongue and use a level on the mast (or dangle a halyard and see which way it hangs). But is that the case? Does anyone have any suggestions?


Joel Bondy
s/y Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY

It was too easy! Thanks (nm)

Post by Joel »


Re: How to Plumb a Mast "on the hard"

Post by sloopjohnl »

don't forget - the ty likes a little rake aft to the mast! :-)

Joel wrote: I just took delivery of my new standing rigging and want to install and tune it while Pokey is still on the trailer. The first step is to get the mast vertical relative to how the boat sits in the water. I figure I can adjust the length of the shrouds until a halyard measures the same distance to a fixed point on both toe rails, probably the chainplates. But how can I determine fore/aft "verticality" when on the hard?

If the bottom of the keel is supposed to be level when she's in the water, then I could level the trailer by raising or lowering the trailer tongue and use a level on the mast (or dangle a halyard and see which way it hangs). But is that the case? Does anyone have any suggestions?


Joel Bondy
s/y Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY

Do Tys like a little mast rake aft?

Post by Joel »

I never noticed whether Pokey's mast was raked aft, but she always displayed weather helm, sometimes excessive. What's the experience of other Typhoon owners?

Joel Bondy
s/y Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY

Re: Do Tys like a little mast rake aft?

Post by sloopjohnl »

i never verified the exact measurement but i would guess the rake aft on DAERAY would be about three degrees. there is some weather helm in a good breeze, but it is not excessive and i kinda like it that way. i think the manual does mention something about the mast being raked slightly aft but i don't know that it gives exact numbers. if you have a lot of weather helm, maybe you have too much rake aft and need some adjustment. i installed a windex on the masthead crane two weeks ago and drilled/tapped for the fitting allowing for about a three degree angle so the masthead fly would stand horizontal.
it's real easy to see your actual rake when you are in a slip next to a 23-25 footer with a straight mast.

Joel wrote: I never noticed whether Pokey's mast was raked aft, but she always displayed weather helm, sometimes excessive. What's the experience of other Typhoon owners?

Joel Bondy
s/y Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY
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