Welcome to North Carolina. My husband and I were both born and raised in Altoona, worked and retired from Bell Atlantic. We bought our Cal22 in Pa. paid 6% sales tax and registered in Pa. which we maintained our annual registration just like your car. We did not pay North Carolina taxes. When we bought our Cape Dory 30, which was documented, we changed the documentation to Kill Devil Hills, NC and paid the sales tax and property tax to North Carolina. You decided where you want to pay the taxes. As long as you have the registration papers and decale you will be fine. Some states require a permit if you plan to stay more than 30 days, I never had a problem in North Carolina. Good luck. I know we love sailing here, that is why we relocated here....the weather and sailing is great.
Good luck and fair winds,
Della Mauk
s/v Ladybug CD36 #138
Kill Devil Hills, NC.
Boat Registration Question
Moderator: Jim Walsh