Boat Registration Question

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

scott maccready

Boat Registration Question

Post by scott maccready »

I've recently purchased a CD25 from Fr. Lauderdale,FL. It is marked on the transom. I was only there for 2 days and was told I had 30 days to register it in my home state so that's what I am planning. Here's the question... My home is DuBois,PA (high on a mountain, no water to sail). I am a registered nurse working for an agency that sends me to Emergency Departments throughout the country for 3 months at a time. At the end of the 3 months, I have the choice to either stay on for another 3 months or move on to another assignment. I always get to choose where I go so it's not like I'll be stuck in the middle of the desert unless I choose to. I maintain Pennsylvania as my permanent home, it's where my home is, my vehicles are registered, I pay my state taxes, etc... Right now I'm in New Bern,NC. I will be here until at least May at which time I may move on. As I said, it's up to me. Anyway, should I register my boat in PA although it'll never sail there? It would be a pain and expense to re-register it every 3 months. What town do I put on the transom? Am I required to?
It's a lifestyle that I love, experiencing different areas of the country for more than a week at a time. In the past 5 years, I've lived in Charleston,SC, Presque Isle,ME, Bridgton,ME, Denver,CO, Milford,CT, ST.Croix,USVI, Asheville,NC Idaho Falls,ID Lake Geneva,WI and a few times here in New Bern,NC. I'm curretly beginning to look for my next assignment. I like it here but the oportunity to do some some sailing further north would be best in the summer.

Scott MacCready
CD25 #635
DuBois,PA (sometimes)
Don Carr

Re: Boat Registration Question

Post by Don Carr »

Scott; Because the boat is not documented. Your best bet is to 'register' it with the state where she spends most of her time.
I know in Ct there are a number of people who register their boats in RI where the registration fees for boats are just about non-existant. However registration should be read as 'tax'. The state people are always on the prowl to make sure the boats leave the area for a while. You could register it in Pa but the NC folks might get a little upset about a permanent usage without collecting the corresponding tax.

Don Carr
s/v Lolita
Noank Ct
Ken Coit

Re: Boat Registration Question

Post by Ken Coit »


In general, a boat registered in one state can be operated in another state for a period of time without registering in the second state. NC certainly works that way. Wherever you register it, you are likely to pay personal property taxes on it, so that might be a minor consideration if you have a choice.

I think you will also find that you need to pay a sales tax to get it registered. FL gives you that 30 day grace period so you don't end up paying FL and your "home" state as well. I don't know if they really check it or not. I never heard from them directly when we purchased Parfait, but maybe they didn't recognize her as a FL boat since she was documented as a TX boat.

We'd be happy to have your tax dollars and registration fees here in NC; why go any further?

Welcome aboard skipper. Keep on sailing!

Ken too-much-time-on-my-hands Coit
CD/36 Parfait
Raleigh, NC
Saling from Beaufort, NC

scott maccready wrote: I've recently purchased a CD25 from Fr. Lauderdale,FL. It is marked on the transom. I was only there for 2 days and was told I had 30 days to register it in my home state so that's what I am planning. Here's the question... My home is DuBois,PA (high on a mountain, no water to sail). I am a registered nurse working for an agency that sends me to Emergency Departments throughout the country for 3 months at a time. At the end of the 3 months, I have the choice to either stay on for another 3 months or move on to another assignment. I always get to choose where I go so it's not like I'll be stuck in the middle of the desert unless I choose to. I maintain Pennsylvania as my permanent home, it's where my home is, my vehicles are registered, I pay my state taxes, etc... Right now I'm in New Bern,NC. I will be here until at least May at which time I may move on. As I said, it's up to me. Anyway, should I register my boat in PA although it'll never sail there? It would be a pain and expense to re-register it every 3 months. What town do I put on the transom? Am I required to?
It's a lifestyle that I love, experiencing different areas of the country for more than a week at a time. In the past 5 years, I've lived in Charleston,SC, Presque Isle,ME, Bridgton,ME, Denver,CO, Milford,CT, ST.Croix,USVI, Asheville,NC Idaho Falls,ID Lake Geneva,WI and a few times here in New Bern,NC. I'm curretly beginning to look for my next assignment. I like it here but the oportunity to do some some sailing further north would be best in the summer.

Scott MacCready
CD25 #635
DuBois,PA (sometimes)
Bill Stebbins

Re: Boat Registration Question

Post by Bill Stebbins »

Register it in NC with Bern on the transom. It is one of the cheapest places to register a boat. I bought a CD there and registered it there and took it up the waterway to Michigan and used it for 3 years with the NC registration before I registered it in Michigan. The other option to consider is to document it. With a documented boat you should be able to operate with impunity in most states w/o having to register it.
John Nuttall

Get reassigned to the USVI !!!!

Post by John Nuttall »

.....seems like a no-brainer to me !!!!

Just kidding, and welcome to NC.....

My boat is USCG documented, and I have no idea what the NC registration fees for your CD25 would be in New Bern. You will have to pay property tax to the county in which you register. I pay about $250 per year to Pamlico County (county where she is docked). I thought that I would get out of state property tax because she is Federally documented, but the gov'ner gets his due !!! Silly me......

My 9 foot Avon w' 2 hp motor is registered in Wake County (where I live). I pay to register it every three years (about $25 bucks ???) and I pay an annual property tax of about $12.

Since you move around alot you might want to consider PA. With a hailing port of DuBois, PA on the transom you'll get into alot of conversations and meet more people. I find sailors are a most curious lot and geographic interest is natural to anyone who reads a chart. You could even rename your boat after Clearfield Cheeze !!! (gotcha!)

Anyway, have tons of fun, that's what's most important! After Glenn Snader at Hobby Marine makes that new tiller for ya, sail on down to Oriental and hail for me. I'll have a cold one waiting! (Rolling Rock fer shure!)

s/v Aimless
CD31 #28
Homport: Oriental, NC
Hatrack: Lizard Lick, NC
Scott MacCready

Re: Get reassigned to the USVI !!!!

Post by Scott MacCready »

John Nuttall wrote: .....seems like a no-brainer to me !!!!
Actually, returning to St. Croix is in my plans though I'm waiting for this year's hurricaine season to pass. When I lived there in the past, I arrived 2 days after "lenny" had hit. It made quite a mess of the place and capsized a few boats.

I had no idea Clearfield Cheese was so famous. As for Rolling Rock, I think it can even be purchased here in New Bern.

As for my question, I guess I need to know if I can register it in DuBois even though it will most likely never be there. It won't be in any one location for longer than 3-6 months for that matter.

If I can get a temporary tiller from West Marine, I may make an attempt a sail down to Oriental this weekend if the weather holds up. So where do you recommend stopping for that drink?
Ken Coit

Can a 25 be documented?

Post by Ken Coit »

If so, you'd better use "New Bern, NC" as I don't find a Bern except in Idaho, Kansas and Switzerland. The latter location won't work at all, but the others would and it would really confuse the rest of us.

Ken still-beating-a-hopefully-dead-horse Coit
CD/36 Parfait
Raleigh, NC
Sailing from ICW MP 200 in Beaufort, NC

Bill Stebbins wrote: Register it in NC with Bern on the transom. It is one of the cheapest places to register a boat. I bought a CD there and registered it there and took it up the waterway to Michigan and used it for 3 years with the NC registration before I registered it in Michigan. The other option to consider is to document it. With a documented boat you should be able to operate with impunity in most states w/o having to register it.
Duncan Maio

Don't forget the Sales Tax

Post by Duncan Maio »


The deal in Florida is that you don't have to pay state sales tax to Florida if you take the boat out of state within 30 days. The broker should have put a sticker on the boat that expires 30 days after the sale, and given you paperwork to file with the state of Florida to prove that you took the boat out of state (fuel and dockage receipts, etc.). If the initial registration (or USCG document Homeport) is in a tax haven, you should be done paying sales tax wherever you go, and then it's all about registration fees.

Rhode Island does not collect sales tax on boats, so if you documented the boat with Newport or some such as the homeport, you would avoid paying Florida sales tax. Rhode Island requires registration of documented vessels, but the fees are low. Other states may collect sales tax if you title the boat, but not if you register it (so you could document it with a Pennsylvania homeport, but register it in North Carolina or wherever.

Remember, though - in a CD25, you will never outrun the tax man.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI (homeport Boston, MA)
Ken Coit

I vote for M&Ms - (nm)

Post by Ken Coit »

Scott MacCready wrote:
John Nuttall wrote: .....seems like a no-brainer to me !!!!
Actually, returning to St. Croix is in my plans though I'm waiting for this year's hurricaine season to pass. When I lived there in the past, I arrived 2 days after "lenny" had hit. It made quite a mess of the place and capsized a few boats.

I had no idea Clearfield Cheese was so famous. As for Rolling Rock, I think it can even be purchased here in New Bern.

As for my question, I guess I need to know if I can register it in DuBois even though it will most likely never be there. It won't be in any one location for longer than 3-6 months for that matter.

If I can get a temporary tiller from West Marine, I may make an attempt a sail down to Oriental this weekend if the weather holds up. So where do you recommend stopping for that drink?
Scott MacCready

Re: Boat Registration Question

Post by Scott MacCready »

I don't know about boats but I was surprised to learn about property taxes on autos in some state. Pennsylvania just charges a yearly registraion fee ($24), no tax assessment for your car. I assume boats are the same?
John Nuttall

M&M's be da place........

Post by John Nuttall »

......but this weekend I won't be there. My daughter is in the St Paddy's Day parade in Raleigh so I won't be makin it down to the coast.....

Sail on into Oriental Harbor and drop anchor.... M&M's is just 10 yards off the end of the dingy dock.... Watch out for the dredge in the harbor, and stay in the channel on the way in.... If you don't have a dink, then tie up at the public dock.... It's free for the first 24 can see it from the anchorage...just past all the shrimp boats.....M&M's is just around the corner from there....

Did you know that Hobby Marine is just 5 min down the road from the New Bern West Marine? (in Pollocksville)...Glenn has offered to laminate a new tiller for you....I'd take him up on his offer, and check out his'll see the molds for the Cape Dory Motorsailer as well as lot's of other stuff....

If you do get to Oriental, be sure to check out the marinas....there are lots of available slips and more being built.....much better sailing than New Bern area....

s/v Aimless
CD31 #28
Hmpt: Oriental, NC

Re: Boat Registration Question

Post by sloopjohnl »


in PA to register you have to present a title or bill of sale that will indicate whether you did or did not pay taxes. if you did not i am pretty sure they will get you for 6% plus the registration fee @ $12.00/year. MD is similar but only 5% user fee or such. Probably cheaper to document in the long run if you will be moving it around a lot.
went to college with a Bill Yount from Dubois - recognize the name?

scott maccready wrote: I've recently purchased a CD25 from Fr. Lauderdale,FL. It is marked on the transom. I was only there for 2 days and was told I had 30 days to register it in my home state so that's what I am planning. Here's the question... My home is DuBois,PA (high on a mountain, no water to sail). I am a registered nurse working for an agency that sends me to Emergency Departments throughout the country for 3 months at a time. At the end of the 3 months, I have the choice to either stay on for another 3 months or move on to another assignment. I always get to choose where I go so it's not like I'll be stuck in the middle of the desert unless I choose to. I maintain Pennsylvania as my permanent home, it's where my home is, my vehicles are registered, I pay my state taxes, etc... Right now I'm in New Bern,NC. I will be here until at least May at which time I may move on. As I said, it's up to me. Anyway, should I register my boat in PA although it'll never sail there? It would be a pain and expense to re-register it every 3 months. What town do I put on the transom? Am I required to?
It's a lifestyle that I love, experiencing different areas of the country for more than a week at a time. In the past 5 years, I've lived in Charleston,SC, Presque Isle,ME, Bridgton,ME, Denver,CO, Milford,CT, ST.Croix,USVI, Asheville,NC Idaho Falls,ID Lake Geneva,WI and a few times here in New Bern,NC. I'm curretly beginning to look for my next assignment. I like it here but the oportunity to do some some sailing further north would be best in the summer.

Scott MacCready
CD25 #635
DuBois,PA (sometimes)
Andy Denmark

Me too!

Post by Andy Denmark »

Hey, Scott --

Give me a growl if you decide to make M & M's with John and/or Ken and we'll hoist a cold one (or several).

Don Carr

No property tax in Ct.

Post by Don Carr »

In Ct you would only have to pay the sales tax for first registration. Subsequent to that you only pay an annual registration fee of around $4 / ft. My CD25 costs $96. Actually they are kind because the boat length is 24'10" they round DOWN to the nearest whole foot. The monies are managed by DMV.

Jim Myers

Re: Boat Registration Question

Post by Jim Myers »

This is not really up to you. The state that the boat spends the majority of the year in their waters will want you to register the boat with them. They will of course want to know if sales tax was paid if the boat was purchased recently. That state will also issue you the title of the boat just like your car.

I have a Boston Whaler that spends 6 months with me in Rhode Island and 6 monthe with my father in Florida. Florida demands that he get a "permit" for the boat to extend it's stay in Florida past 30 days as a non Florida registered vessel. This may be an option for you as well.
Another consideration is that some states like Rhode Island do not charge sales tax on boats!
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