Determining Propeller pitch

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kevin aubuchon

Determining Propeller pitch

Post by kevin aubuchon »

I would like to determine the pitch of my prop on my 9.9HP outboard. If its not a high thrust prop, I would change it. I thought I would measure the forward distance (not circumference) from the beginning to the end of 1 revolution. Anybody have a more exact method (or correct method if I'm wrong)? Thanks in advance.

kevin aubuchon
Matt Cawthorne

Re: Determining Propeller pitch

Post by Matt Cawthorne »

Dave Gerr in his book "The Propeller Handbook" outlines the procedure. It involves measuring the blade angle at some radius and plugging it into a formula. I don't have my copy with me so I can't give the formula to you directly. I think that you can determine the advance of the prop by using a 45 degree triangle to figure the radial position where the blade angle is such that the advance is equal to the tangential motion (2*pi*R). On many larger props the diameter and pitch are stamped into the hub. For instance the designation 15RH14 indicates a 15 inch diameter right handed prop with a pitch of 14 inches.

Good luck

kevin aubuchon wrote: I would like to determine the pitch of my prop on my 9.9HP outboard. If its not a high thrust prop, I would change it. I thought I would measure the forward distance (not circumference) from the beginning to the end of 1 revolution. Anybody have a more exact method (or correct method if I'm wrong)? Thanks in advance.

kevin aubuchon
Ed Roberts

Re: Determining Propeller pitch

Post by Ed Roberts »

Suggest showing prop to Evinrude/Johnson dealer and saying " Is this a high-thrust prop?"
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