Which sealant?

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Which sealant?

Post by Rockaway »

I am in the process of replacing/refinishing the teak on my typhoon. Which sealant should I use to seal the bolt holes and affix the newly glossed wood to the fiberglass. On this board I have read about life-caulk, 3M-4200 and 3M-5200. What are "typical" applications for these products? Thanks for your advice.

Tom Rockaway
Ty #1344
Kelleys Island, OH


Re: Which sealant?

Post by Boyd »

Its pretty simple for the most part... if you never want it to come off.. use 5200 other wise for bedding and other items that you may want to take off sometime in the future use 4200. I am not sure what you are refering to when you say "seal the bolt holes". 5200 does not do well when exposed to sunlight... so if you mean putting something over bolt heads then its not the thing to use. Silicones stand up to sunlight better but dont bond that well to teak. Its too oily. I am not a big fan of the Life Caulk ... had a couple of bad experiences with it.

Making a water tight bedding is really creating a gasket. I mask the footprint of the part with tape. Clean the surfaces... never use mineral spirits... Use isopropol alcohol or acetone. Put the caulk in place on both pieces and screw together just enough to squish out some of the caulk. Come back the next day and tighten up the bolts. Trim and unmask.

Rockaway wrote: I am in the process of replacing/refinishing the teak on my typhoon. Which sealant should I use to seal the bolt holes and affix the newly glossed wood to the fiberglass. On this board I have read about life-caulk, 3M-4200 and 3M-5200. What are "typical" applications for these products? Thanks for your advice.

Tom Rockaway
Ty #1344
Kelleys Island, OH


Re: Which sealant?

Post by john »

Someone posted a solution for caulk-less mounting of coaming boards using weatherstrip tape and rubber o-rings a while back (6 months or so) - you might search the board for that. If you can't find it, let me know - I think I have it as a Word document.

Rockaway wrote: I am in the process of replacing/refinishing the teak on my typhoon. Which sealant should I use to seal the bolt holes and affix the newly glossed wood to the fiberglass. On this board I have read about life-caulk, 3M-4200 and 3M-5200. What are "typical" applications for these products? Thanks for your advice.

Tom Rockaway
Ty #1344
Kelleys Island, OH

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