Typhoon cabin stress

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Typhoon cabin stress

Post by Michael »

Help my mast is sinking into the cabin,I know this is a common prolbem on the typhoons , mine is a 73, and in great shepe accept fot mast wanting to get into the porta potti. Can someone help me fix this problem or sugguest a book on fixing this.

MikeThe Wheelman@aol.com
J. Chamberlain

Re: Typhoon cabin stress

Post by J. Chamberlain »

Our 1975 Typhoon we've owned for nearly 20 years had the same problem. Previous owner installed larger knees inside cabin (provided free by CD) but they didn't help much. We finally had a compression post installed directly under mast to the keel. Eliminated most of portapotti space, but solved the sagging problem.


Re: Typhoon cabin stress

Post by Joel »

For pix, see my post of 02/26/2002 that contains a link.

Good luck.

s/y Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY


Re: Typhoon cabin stress

Post by Chip »

I would strongly suggest contacting Maine's Robinhood Marina. They have folks knowledgeable about this issue and its fixes.
- Chip

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