
Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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James Mill


Post by James Mill »

I was climbing around in my CD25 the other day and upon inspecting the backing block for the forestay I noticed that it was rusted and falling apart. I may not be describing the part well, but it is a triangluar piece of metal about 3" x4" x 1/2" and appears to be made of plain steel. Has anyone had this problem and doe anyone know why they would use plain steel?


Don Carr

Re: Forestay

Post by Don Carr »

The forestay attaches to the bronze bow plate which is backplated. Although my backplates are ok, it appears that CD glssed in the backplates made of hardened steel. If yours is corroded beyond repair it is time to disassemble the bow plate assembly. Take measurements and have a new backplate fabricated from high quality stainless steel
and drille the appropriate holes required for the thru bolts. Make sure you do a good job of bedding the bronze bow plate as it looks as though you or previous owner neglected this and water has entered at this point.
Why Cape Dory used plain steel? COST.

Good luck on this project.

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